Source code for first_plugin_ida.first

#   IDA Pro Plug-in: Function Identification and Recovery Signature Tool (FIRST)
#   Copyright (C) 2016  Angel M. Villegas
#   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#   (at your option) any later version.
#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   GNU General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
#   with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
#   51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#   Requirements
#   ------------
#   Requests (
#   Installation
#   ------------
#   Drag and drop into IDA Pro's plugin folder for IDA Pro 6.9 SP1 and higher
#   IDA Pro Python Modules
import idc
import idaapi
import idautils
import random

#   Third Party Python Modules
required_modules_loaded = True
    import requests
    from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning
except ImportError:
    required_modules_loaded &= False
    print 'FIRST requires Python module requests\n'

    from requests_kerberos import HTTPKerberosAuth
except ImportError:
    print '[1st] Kerberos support is not avaialble'
    HTTPKerberosAuth = None

from PyQt5 import QtGui, QtWidgets, QtCore
from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt

#   Python Modules
import re
import csv
import sys
import math
import time
import json
import inspect
import os.path
import datetime
import calendar
import threading
import collections
import ConfigParser
from pprint import pprint
from os.path import exists
from hashlib import sha256, md5, sha1
from base64 import b64encode, b64decode

#   Constants
                'hashes' : 1,
                'malware_name' : 2,

#   Global Variables

g_network_headers = {}

class IDAWrapper(object):
    Class to wrap functions that are not thread safe.  These functions must
    be run on the main thread to avoid random crashes (and starting in 7.2,
    this is enforced by IDA, with an exception being generated if a
    thread-unsafe function is called from outside of the main thread.)
    mapping = {
        'get_tform_type' : 'get_widget_type',
    def __init__(self):
        self.version = idaapi.IDA_SDK_VERSION

    def __getattribute__(self, name):
        default = '[1st] default'

        if (idaapi.IDA_SDK_VERSION >= 700) and (name in IDAWrapper.mapping):
            name = IDAWrapper.mapping[name]

        val = getattr(idaapi, name, default)
        if val == default:
            val = getattr(idautils, name, default)

        if val == default:
            val = getattr(idc, name, default)

        if val == default:
            msg = 'Unable to find {}'.format(name)

        if hasattr(val, '__call__'):
            def call(*args, **kwargs):
                holder = [None] # need a holder, because 'global' sucks

                def trampoline():
                    holder[0] = val(*args, **kwargs)
                    return 1

                # Execute the request using MFF_WRITE, which should be safe for
                # any possible request at the expense of speed.  In my testing,
                # though, it wasn't noticably slower than MFF_FAST.  If this
                # is observed to impact performance, consider creating a list
                # that maps API calls to the most appropriate flag.
                idaapi.execute_sync(trampoline, idaapi.MFF_WRITE)
                return holder[0]
            return call

            return val

IDAW = IDAWrapper()

# Some of the IDA API functions return generators that invoke thread-unsafe
# code during iteration.  Thus, making the initial API call via IDAW is not
# sufficient to have these underlying API calls be executed safely on the
# main thread.  This generator wraps those and performs the iteration safely.
def safe_generator(iterator):

    # Make the sentinel value something that isn't likely to be returned
    # by an API call (and isn't a fixed string that could be inserted into
    # a program to break FIRST maliciously)
    sentinel = '[1st] Sentinel %d' % (random.randint(0, 65535))

    holder = [sentinel] # need a holder, because 'global' sucks

    def trampoline():
            holder[0] = next(iterator)
        except StopIteration:
            holder[0] = sentinel
        return 1

    while True:
        # See notes above regarding why we use MFF_WRITE here
        idaapi.execute_sync(trampoline, idaapi.MFF_WRITE)
        if holder[0] == sentinel:
        yield holder[0]

#   Main Plug-in Form Class
class FIRST_FormClass(idaapi.PluginForm):
    system = {0 : 'Unknown', 1 : 'Win', 6 : 'Linux', 9 : 'Osx'}

    def __init__(self):
        super(FIRST_FormClass, self).__init__()
        self.parent = None

    def OnCreate(self, form):
        self.form = form
        self.parent = self.FormToPyQtWidget(form)


    def populate_model(self):
        #   Selectable views in the main plug-in window
        self.views_ui = {'Configuration' : self.view_configuration_info,
                            'Management' : self.view_created,
                            'Currently Applied' : self.view_applied,
                            'About' : self.view_about}
        self.views = ['About', 'Configuration', 'Management', 'Currently Applied']

        self.views_model = FIRST.Model.Base(['Views'], self.views)

    def view_configuration_info(self):
        self.thread_stop = True
        container = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout()

        label = QtWidgets.QLabel('Configuration Information')
        label.setStyleSheet('font: 18px;')

        layout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout()
        self.message = QtWidgets.QLabel()
        save_button = QtWidgets.QPushButton('Save')

        scroll_layout = FIRSTUI.ScrollWidget(frame=QtWidgets.QFrame.NoFrame)
        FIRSTUI.SharedObjects.server_config_layout(self, scroll_layout, FIRST.config)



        return container

    def save_config(self):
        FIRST.config = FIRSTUI.SharedObjects.get_config(self)

        info = FIRST.Info.get_file_details()
        FIRST.server = FIRST.Server(FIRST.config,

        title = 'FIRST: Configuration Changes'
        msg = 'FIRST\'s configuration information has been updated'
        idaapi.execute_ui_requests((FIRSTUI.Requests.MsgBox(title, msg, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Information),))

    def view_created(self):
        container = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout()
        groups = None

        label = QtWidgets.QLabel('FIRST Metadata')
        label.setStyleSheet('font: 18px;')

        description = ('The metadata you\'ve created and added to FIRST '
                        'are shown below. You can delete them via right '
                        'clicking on them and selecting delete or '
                        'selecting one and hitting the delete key.')
        description = QtWidgets.QLabel(description)

        data_model = FIRST.Model.Check({})
        tree_view = FIRST.Model.TreeView(depth=1)

        #   Setup the Model's header
        FIRSTUI.SharedObjects.make_model_headers(data_model, full=False)

        self.created_data_model = data_model

        tree_view.setColumnWidth(0, 175)    #   Function
        tree_view.setColumnWidth(1, 35)     #   Rank
        tree_view.setColumnWidth(2, 150)    #   Prototype
        tree_view.setColumnWidth(3, 20)     #   i

        #   Add chunks to the list at a time receieved
        self.__received_data = False
        if FIRST.server:
            #   Spawn thread to get chunks of data back from server
            self.thread_stop = False
            idaapi.show_wait_box('Querying FIRST for metadata you\'ve created')
            server_thread = FIRST.server.created(self.__data_callback,

            #   wait several seconds
            for i in xrange(2):
                if idaapi.wasBreak():
                    self.thread_stop = True


        self.history_dialogs = []
        delete_action = QtWidgets.QAction('&Delete', self.parent)
        history_action = QtWidgets.QAction('View &History', self.parent)

        self.created_tree_view = tree_view

        return container

    def __data_callback(self, thread, data):
        if self.thread_stop:

        #   Build the model
        root_node = self.created_data_model.invisibleRootItem()

        for match in data:
            self.__received_data = True
            row = FIRSTUI.SharedObjects.make_match_info(match, full=False)

    def __complete_callback(self, thread, data):

        #   Alert the user if no matches were found in FIRST
        if not self.__received_data:
            title = 'FIRST: No Metadata Found'
            msg = 'You have not added any metadata to FIRST'
            idaapi.execute_ui_requests((FIRSTUI.Requests.MsgBox(title, msg, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Information),))

    def delete_metadata(self):
        selected = self.created_tree_view.selectedIndexes()
        if not selected:

        ids = set([ for x in selected])
        index = selected[0]

        for metadata_id in ids:
            #   Delete from FIRST
            if metadata_id:
                response = FIRST.server.delete(metadata_id)
                if (not response
                    or ('failed' not in response)
                    or response['failed']
                    or (('deleted' in response) and not response['deleted'])):

                    title = 'FIRST: Delete Created Metadata'
                    msg = 'Cannot delete the requested signature. '
                    if response and ('msg' in response):
                        msg += 'Error: {0[msg]} '.format(response)

                    idaapi.execute_ui_requests((FIRSTUI.Requests.MsgBox(title, msg),))

                #   Remove from view, get the top row of the tree
                if index.parent().isValid():
                    index = index.parent()

                root = self.created_data_model.invisibleRootItem()

    def metadata_history(self):
        selected = self.created_tree_view.selectedIndexes()
        if not selected:

        ids = [ for x in selected]
        index = selected[0]

        if not ids:

        dialog = FIRSTUI.Dialog(None, FIRSTUI.History, metadata_id=ids[0])


    def view_about(self):
        self.thread_stop = True
        container = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout()

        label = QtWidgets.QLabel('FIRST ')
        label.setStyleSheet('font: 24px;')

        label = QtWidgets.QLabel('Function Identification and Recovery Signature Tool')
        label.setStyleSheet('font: 12px;')

        grid_layout = QtWidgets.QGridLayout()
        grid_layout.addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel('Version'), 0, 0)
        grid_layout.addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel(str(FIRST.VERSION)), 0, 1)
        grid_layout.addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel('Date'), 1, 0)
        grid_layout.addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel(FIRST.DATE), 1, 1)

        grid_layout.addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel('Report Issues'), 2, 0)
        label = QtWidgets.QLabel(('<a href="'
        grid_layout.addWidget(label, 2, 1)

        grid_layout.setColumnMinimumWidth(0, 100)
        grid_layout.setColumnStretch(1, 1)
        grid_layout.setContentsMargins(10, 0, 0, 0)


        copyright = '{}-{} Cisco Systems, Inc.'.format(FIRST.BEGIN, FIRST.END)
        label = QtWidgets.QLabel(copyright)
        label.setStyleSheet('font: 10px;')

        return container

    def view_applied(self):
        self.thread_stop = True
        container = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout()
        groups = None

        label = QtWidgets.QLabel('Applied Metadata')
        label.setStyleSheet('font: 18px;')

        description = ('FIRST metadata you\'ve applied in this IDB '
                        'are shown below. You can go to the function via '
                        'right clicking on the function and selecting View '
                        'or double clicking the function.')
        description = QtWidgets.QLabel(description)

        data = FIRST.Metadata.get_functions_with_applied_metadata()
        data = {d.address : d for d in data}
        data_model = FIRST.Model.Check(data)
        tree_view = FIRST.Model.TreeView(depth=1)

        #   Setup the Model's header
        headers = [ ('Function', 'function name and address in this IDB', 0),
                    ('Prototype', 'function prototype', 1),
                    ('User', 'creator of the metadata', 2)]

        for display_name, tooltip, i in headers:
            item_header = QtGui.QStandardItem(display_name)
            data_model.setHorizontalHeaderItem(i, item_header)

        #   Setup all other rows
        name_str = '0x{0.address:08x}: {}'
        if not FIRST.Info.is_32bit():
            name_str = name_str.replace(':08x}', ':016x}')
        root_node = data_model.invisibleRootItem()
        cmp_func = lambda x,y: cmp(x.address, y.address)
        for match in sorted(data.values(), cmp=cmp_func):
            #   Row: <address and name> <prototype> <creator>
            name = QtGui.QStandardItem(name_str.format(match))
            prototype = QtGui.QStandardItem(match.prototype)
            creator = QtGui.QStandardItem(match.creator)

            info = [name, prototype, creator]

            #   Add row:
            #   Comment:
            #   (comment)
            comment = match.comment
            if not comment:
                comment = '- No Comment -'
            comment = QtGui.QStandardItem('Comment:\n' + comment)
            comment.setData(True, role=FIRSTUI.ROLE_COMMENT)
            comment_list = [comment] + ([QtGui.QStandardItem()] * 2)

            #   Mark all items noneditable and add id associated with the match
            for item in info + comment_list:
                item.setData(, role=FIRSTUI.ROLE_ID)
                item.setData(match.address, role=FIRSTUI.ROLE_ADDRESS)


        self.applied_data_model = data_model

        tree_view.setColumnWidth(0, 200)    #   Address and Function
        tree_view.setColumnWidth(1, 400)    #   Prototype
        tree_view.setColumnWidth(2, 20)     #   Author

        #   Keep a reference to the dialog so it doesn't hide before the
        #   user is done with it
        self.history_dialogs = []


        self.applied_tree_view = tree_view

        return container

    def applied_custom_menu(self, point):
        index = self.applied_tree_view.indexAt(point)
        address =
        if not address:

        menu = QtWidgets.QMenu(self.applied_tree_view)
        goto_action = QtWidgets.QAction('&Go to Function', self.applied_tree_view)

        metadata_id =
        if metadata_id:
            history_action = QtWidgets.QAction('View &History', self.applied_tree_view)


    def _metadata_history(self, metadata_id):
        dialog = FIRSTUI.Dialog(None, FIRSTUI.History, metadata_id=metadata_id)

        #   Keep a reference to the dialog so it doesn't hide before the
        #   user is done with it

    def populate_main_form(self):
        list_view = QtWidgets.QListView()

        select = QtCore.QItemSelectionModel.Select
        list_view.selectionModel().select(self.views_model.createIndex(0, 0), select)

        current_view = QtWidgets.QWidget()
        view = self.view_about()
        if not view:
            view = QtWidgets.QBoxLayout()

        self.splitter = QtWidgets.QSplitter(Qt.Horizontal)


        outer_layout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout()


    def view_clicked(self, index):
        key =

        if key in self.views_ui:
            #   Get the new view
            widget = QtWidgets.QWidget()
            layout = self.views_ui[key]()
            if not layout:
                layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout()

            #   Remove the old view to the splitter
            old_widget = self.splitter.widget(1)
            if old_widget:

            self.splitter.insertWidget(1, widget)

    def check_function_accept(self, dialog):
        FIRST.Callbacks.accepted(self, dialog)

    def check_function(self, ctx):
        if not IDAW.get_func(IDAW.ScreenEA()):
            title = 'Unable to derive function'
            msg = ( 'Cannot upload function. Ensure the cursor is '
                    'positioned within a defined function (cursor '
                    'currently at 0x{0:X})').format(IDAW.ScreenEA())
            idaapi.execute_ui_requests((FIRSTUI.Requests.MsgBox(title, msg),))

        dialog = FIRSTUI.Dialog(None, FIRSTUI.Check)

    def check_all_function(self, ctx):
        dialog = FIRSTUI.Dialog(None, FIRSTUI.CheckAll)

    def upload_func(self, ctx):
        dialog = FIRSTUI.Dialog(None, FIRSTUI.Upload)

    def upload_all_func(self, ctx):
        dialog = FIRSTUI.Dialog(None, FIRSTUI.UploadAll)

    def update_funcs(self, ctx):

        data = FIRST.Metadata.get_functions_with_applied_metadata()
        if data:
            title = 'FIRST: Updating Metadata for Functions'
            msg = ('There are {} functions with FIRST data. They are '
                    'being updated to reflect the most recent '
                    'metadata for each function.').format(len(data))
            idaapi.execute_ui_requests((FIRSTUI.Requests.MsgBox(title, msg, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Information),))

    def view_history(self, ctx):
        function = IDAW.get_func(IDAW.ScreenEA())
        if not function:
            msg = '[1st] Unable to retrieve function at 0x{0:x}\n'.format(IDAW.ScreenEA())

        metadata = FIRST.Metadata.get_function(function.startEA)
        if not metadata:
            message = '[1st] Unable to retrieve function at 0x{0:x}\n'

        if not
            message = '[1st] No FIRST metadata is applied to the function at 0x{0:x}\n'

        dialog = FIRSTUI.Dialog(None, FIRSTUI.History,

[docs]class FIRST(object): debug = False # About Information #------------------------ VERSION = 'BETA' DATE = 'May 2018' BEGIN = 2014 END = 2018 plugin_enabled = False show_welcome = False server = None config = None config_path = os.path.join(idaapi.get_user_idadir(), 'first_beta.cfg') installed_hooks = [] function_list = None plugin = None iat = [] # Colors used color_changed = QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor.fromRgb(255, 153, 139)) color_unchanged = QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor.fromRgb(238, 238, 238)) color_default = QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor.fromRgb(255, 255, 255)) color_selected = QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor.fromRgb(160, 216, 241)) color_applied = QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor.fromRgb(214, 227, 181))
[docs] @staticmethod def initialize(): '''Initializes FIRST by installing hooks and populating required data strucutres.''' global g_network_headers g_network_headers['User-Agent'] = "FIRST {} {} Cython {}({}.{}.{}) {}".format( FIRST.VERSION, FIRST.DATE, sys.api_version, sys.version_info.major, sys.version_info.minor, sys.version_info.releaselevel, sys.platform ) FIRST.installed_hooks = [FIRST.Hook.IDP(), FIRST.Hook.UI()] [x.hook() for x in FIRST.installed_hooks] FIRST.plugin = FIRST_FormClass()
@staticmethod def cleanup_hooks(): if FIRST.installed_hooks: for x in FIRST.installed_hooks: x.unhook() FIRST.installed_hooks = [] class Error(Exception): '''FIRST Exception Class''' def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __str__(self): return repr(self.value)
[docs] class Metadata(): '''Class containing Misc Metadata functions. Contains helper functions that will allow interaction with the memory list containing all functions within the IDB. This class contains only static methods and should be accessed as such. '''
[docs] @staticmethod def get_non_jmp_wrapped_functions(): '''Returns a list of functions addresses Functions definited in the IDB, from auto analysis or manually definited, are part of the list returned. Functions that are just wrappers with a jmp instruction are not included. Returns: list: Empty list or list of integer values The list of integer values correspond to a function's start address ''' addresses = [] for function_ea in IDAW.Functions(): function = IDAW.get_func(function_ea) if function: mnem = IDAW.GetMnem(function.startEA) op_type = IDAW.GetOpType(function.startEA, 0) if not (('jmp' == mnem) and (op_type == IDAW.o_mem)): addresses.append(function.startEA) return addresses
[docs] @staticmethod def get_segments_with_functions(): '''Returns a list of segments with defined functions in it. Returns: list: Empty list or list of segment_t objects ''' data = [] if not FIRST.function_list: return None for segment_offset in FIRST.function_list: data.append(IDAW.getseg(segment_offset + IDAW.get_imagebase())) return data
[docs] @staticmethod def get_segment_functions(segment): '''Returns functions for a given segment. Args: segment (`segment_t`): The segment functions will be returned from. segment_t objects are returned from IDA's getseg API. Returns: list: Empty list or list of MetadataShim objects on success. None: None on failure. Fails if argument is not a segment_t or there are no functions in that segment. ''' if not isinstance(segment, idaapi.segment_t): return None segment_offset = segment.startEA - IDAW.get_imagebase() if segment_offset not in FIRST.function_list: return None return FIRST.function_list[segment_offset].values()
[docs] @staticmethod def populate_function_list(): '''Initializes FIRST's function list This should be called to initialize the FIRST.function_list global variable, thus it should be called once IDA's auto analysis is complete to ensure it gets as many functions as possible. Base case: User loads up sample in IDA for first time or IDB is opened in IDA with FIRST for the first time action: create new function list, save, monitor for changes Complex case: User reopens an IDB that already has FIRST data in it action: extract function list from IDB, monitor for changes ''' if None != FIRST.function_list: return FIRST.function_list = {} idaapi.show_wait_box('Initializing FIRST\'s cache') for address in FIRST.Metadata.get_non_jmp_wrapped_functions(): function_name = IDAW.GetFunctionName(address) function = FIRST.MetadataShim(address, function_name) db_function = FIRST.DB.get_function(function=function) # Function has not been saved to DB, create it and save it if not db_function: # If we failed to create a FIRSTMetadata object for the # address then skip it if not function: temp_str = 'Cannot create function at address {0:x}\n' idaapi.execute_ui_requests((FIRSTUI.Requests.Print(temp_str.format(address)),)) continue else: function = db_function segment = function.segment if not segment: temp_str = 'Cannot get function segment {0:x}\n' idaapi.execute_ui_requests((FIRSTUI.Requests.Print(temp_str.format(function.address)),)) continue seg_offset = segment - IDAW.get_imagebase() if seg_offset not in FIRST.function_list: FIRST.function_list[seg_offset] = {} FIRST.function_list[seg_offset][function.offset] = function idaapi.hide_wait_box()
[docs] @staticmethod def get_function(function_address): '''Get the MetadataShim object for a given function. Args: function_address (`int`): A functions start address. The value should be the start address of the function or else the function will return None. Returns: MetadataShim: object on success. None on failure. ''' if dict != type(FIRST.function_list): return None # Ensure this is the start of a function and not just a repeatable # label somewhere else function = IDAW.get_func(function_address) if (not function) or (function_address != function.startEA): return None # Calculate offset to function from segment segment = IDAW.getseg(function.startEA) if not segment: return None seg_offset = segment.startEA - IDAW.get_imagebase() offset = function.startEA - segment.startEA if ((seg_offset not in FIRST.function_list) or (offset not in FIRST.function_list[seg_offset])): return None return FIRST.function_list[seg_offset][offset]
[docs] @staticmethod def get_functions_with_applied_metadata(): '''Returns a list of functions with FIRST metadata applied to it. Returns: list: Empty list or list of `MetadataShim` objects ''' applied_metadata = [] segments = FIRST.Metadata.get_segments_with_functions() if segments: for segment in segments: functions = FIRST.Metadata.get_segment_functions(segment) for function in functions: if applied_metadata.append(function) return applied_metadata
[docs] class Info(): '''Information gathering functions. Will get different information required by FIRST to interact with server or other plug-in side operations. This class contains only static methods and should be accessed as such. Attributes: processor_map (:obj:`dict`): Dictionary mapping between IDA's naming convention to FIRST's. include_bits (:obj:`list`): List of processors that should include the number of bits. ''' processor_map = {'metapc' : 'intel'} include_bits = ['intel', 'arm']
[docs] @staticmethod def set_file_details(md5, crc32, sha1=None, sha256=None): '''Sets details about the sample. This is a work around for situations where there is no original sample on disk that IDA analyzes. FIRST requires a MD5 and CRC32 to store functions, without it the function will not be saved. Args: md5 (:obj:`str`): Valid MD5 hash ''' # Validate User Input md5 = md5.lower() if not re.match(r'^[a-f\d]{32}$', md5) or type(crc32) != int: return db = IDAW.GetArrayId(FIRST_DB) key = FIRST_INDEX['hashes'] if -1 == db: db = IDAW.CreateArray(FIRST_DB) # Get hashes from file data = {'md5' : md5, 'sha1' : sha1, 'sha256' : sha256, 'crc32' : crc32} IDAW.SetArrayString(db, key, json.dumps(data)) # Update server class if FIRST.server and hasattr(FIRST.server, 'binary_info'): FIRST.server = FIRST.Server(FIRST.config, md5, crc32, sha1, sha256)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_file_details(): '''Returns details about the sample. The MD5 and CRC32 fields will always be returned since IDA Pro provides that information. If the IDB is created with the original sample then the sample will be hashed to get the SHA1 and SHA256. All tthe data is stored in the IDB to prevent getting the information multiple times. Returns: dict. Dictionary of file hashes and CRC32. ''' db = IDAW.GetArrayId(FIRST_DB) key = FIRST_INDEX['hashes'] if -1 != db: data = IDAW.GetArrayElement(IDAW.AR_STR, db, key) if 0 != data: return json.loads(data) else: db = IDAW.CreateArray(FIRST_DB) # Get hashes from file data = {'md5' : IDAW.GetInputMD5(), 'sha1' : None, 'sha256' : None, 'crc32' : IDAW.retrieve_input_file_crc32()} file_path = IDAW.GetInputFilePath() if file_path and exists(file_path): with open(file_path, 'rb') as f: f_data = data['sha1'] = sha1(f_data).hexdigest() data['sha256'] = sha256(f_data).hexdigest() # Store this in the IDB so it can be retrieved IDAW.SetArrayString(db, key, json.dumps(data)) return data
[docs] @staticmethod def is_32bit(): '''Returns if the sample is 32bit or not. Returns: bool: True is 32bit or False. ''' if (idaapi.IDA_SDK_VERSION < 730): info = IDAW.get_inf_structure() if info.is_64bit(): return False elif info.is_32bit(): return True return False else: return IDAW.inf_is_32bit()
[docs] @staticmethod def get_architecture(): '''Returns the architecture the sample is built for. The values are normalized for the FIRST server. It altered then FIRST will not match on other functions with the same architecture. Returns: str. String representation of the architecture associated with the sample. Examples: intel32, intel64, arm32, mips, etc. ''' info = IDAW.get_inf_structure() proc = info.procName.lower() proc = FIRST.Info.processor_map.get(proc, proc) if proc in FIRST.Info.include_bits: bits = 16 if (idaapi.IDA_SDK_VERSION < 730): if info.is_64bit(): bits = 64 elif info.is_32bit(): bits = 32 else: if IDAW.inf_is_64bit(): bits = 64 elif IDAW.inf_is_32bit(): bits = 32 return '{}{}'.format(proc, bits) return proc
[docs] @staticmethod def signature(address): '''Returns opcodes for the function the address is associated with. Given a virtual address, this function will return it in a series of bytes or None. The opcodes are ordered in address ascending order. Args: address (`int`): An address associated with a function. The address can be any address within the function. Returns: str: A string of binary data on success. None: On failure. ''' function = IDAW.get_func(address) blocks = {} # Ensure address is in a function if not function: return None fc = IDAW.FlowChart(function) for block in fc: data = {'start' : block.startEA, 'end' : block.endEA} data['size'] = block.endEA - block.startEA data['bytes'] = IDAW.GetManyBytes(block.startEA, data['size']) if data['size'] > 0: blocks[block.startEA] = data if not blocks: return None sig = '' for address in sorted(blocks.keys()): if 'bytes' in blocks[address]: sig += blocks[address]['bytes'] return sig
[docs] @staticmethod def get_apis(address): '''Returns a list of all APIs used by a function. The address provided will be used to get a function and each instruction in the function is examined for APIs in the sample's IAT. Args: address (`int`): An address associated with a function. The address can be any address within the function. Returns: list: Empty list or list of `MetadataShim` objects ''' apis = [] # populate iat if not FIRST.iat: func = lambda ea, name, ord: FIRST.iat.append(name) == None imports = IDAW.get_import_module_qty() if imports: for i in xrange(imports): IDAW.enum_import_names(i, func) # Cycle through all instructions within the function for instr in safe_generator(IDAW.FuncItems(address)): name = None if not IDAW.is_call_insn(instr): instruction = IDAW.DecodeInstruction(instr) if not instruction: continue for i in xrange(len(instruction.Operands)): if IDAW.GetOpType(instr, i) == idaapi.o_mem: name = IDAW.Name(IDAW.GetOperandValue(instr, i)) break else: # It is a call instruction for xref in safe_generator(IDAW.XrefsFrom(instr, IDAW.XREF_FAR)): if == None: break name = IDAW.NameEx(0, if (name in FIRST.iat) and (name not in apis): apis.append(name) return apis
[docs] class DB(): '''FIRST DB Class Provides functions to save data to and retrieve data from IDA's IDB backend. Additionally, it contains functions for calculating the index functions should be saved to in the IDB to provide constant time lookups. This class contains only static methods and should be accessed as such. Attributes: record_size (:obj:`int`): The number of bytes that can be saved into one index in the IDB's array. Once the number of bytes are hit the record is split and will continue in the next index. Note: IDA enforces a hard limit of 1024, setting this value higher than that will result in information loss. max_records (:obj:`int`): Determines how many array indices can be used to store data for a given function. Note: If this number is increased and there is enough data to use all the indices, this could result in over writting other FIRST function data saved in the IDB. ''' record_size = 1024 max_records = 16
[docs] @staticmethod def save(functions): '''Saves one or more functions to the IDB DB. This function can be used to save one or more FIRSTMetadata objects to the IDB's database. Args: functions (`FIRSTMetadata` or `list` of `FIRSTMetadata`) Returns: None ''' if list != type(functions): functions = [functions] for function in functions: if not isinstance(function, FIRST.MetadataShim): continue tag = FIRST.DB.get_tag(function) key = FIRST.DB.get_index(function) if None in [tag, key]: continue max_str = hex(FIRST.DB.max_records)[2:] if (len(max_str) % 2) != 0: max_str = '0' + max_str max_str = max_str.decode('hex') data = function.to_db() records = len(data) + len(max_str) records = int(math.ceil(records / float(FIRST.DB.record_size))) record_str = hex(records)[2:] if (len(record_str) % 2) != 0: record_str = '0' + record_str record_str = record_str.decode('hex') start = FIRST.DB.record_size - len(max_str) IDAW.SetArrayString(tag, key, record_str + data[:start]) if records > FIRST.DB.max_records: temp_str = 'Cannot store data for function: {0}\n' idaapi.execute_ui_requests((FIRSTUI.Requests.Print(temp_str.format(,)) continue for i in xrange(1, records): begin = start + ((i + 1) * FIRST.DB.record_size) end = begin + FIRST.DB.record_size IDAW.SetArrayString(tag, key + i, data[begin:end])
[docs] @staticmethod def get_function(address=None, function=None): '''Retrieves function and all its details from the IDB DB. The data returned here may not match the current state of the IDB. Either the address or function argument should be provided. Providing neither will result in a return value of None. Args: address (`int`, optional): The start address of the function. function (:obj:`MetadataShim`, optional): The current MetadataShim object for the function. Returns: FIRSTMetadata: If function exits and is saved it is returned. None: On failure. ''' if isinstance(function, FIRST.MetadataShim): address = function.address elif None != address: function = FIRST.MetadataShim(address) else: return None tag = FIRST.DB.get_tag(function) key = FIRST.DB.get_index(function) if None in [tag, key]: return None max_str = hex(FIRST.DB.max_records)[2:] if (len(max_str) % 2) != 0: max_str = '0' + max_str max_str = max_str.decode('hex') first = IDAW.GetArrayElement(IDAW.AR_STR, tag, key) if not first: return None data = first[len(max_str):] records = 0 for r in first[:len(max_str)]: records = (records << 16) | ord(r) for i in xrange(1, records): new_data = IDAW.GetArrayElement(IDAW.AR_STR, tag, key + i) if 0 == new_data: break data += new_data function.from_db(data) return function
[docs] @staticmethod def get_tag(function): '''Calculates and returns the tag for the given function. Function that will return array id corresponding to the array with the function data in it if the array exists. If the array does not exist then it is created and the created array id is returned. Args: function (:obj:`MetadataShim`): The function to get a tag for. Results: int: The array ID on success. None: On failure. ''' if not isinstance(function, FIRST.MetadataShim): return None array_str = 'FIRST_{0}'.format(function.segment - IDAW.get_imagebase()) tag = IDAW.GetArrayId(array_str) if -1 == tag: # The array doesn't exist, create it tag = IDAW.CreateArray(array_str) if -1 == tag: return None return tag
[docs] @staticmethod def get_index(function): '''Computes the base index for the function. The index computed by thios function is index into an IDB array. Args: function (:obj:`MetadataShim`): The function to get an index for. Results: int: The index into the array. None: On failure. ''' if not isinstance(function, FIRST.MetadataShim): return None return function.offset << 4
[docs] class MetadataShim(object): '''Shim between interacting with various IDA components and FIRST. FIRST Metadata Container provides thin shim for interacting with function and affecting IDA's UI. Changes made from FIRST are updated in the UI and IDA's IDB DB. When creating a MetadataShim instance, at least the address should be provided to the constructor. However, it can be useful to create an empty object and populate if with data by calling its ``from_db`` method. Args: address (:obj:`int`, optional): The VA of the function. name (:obj:`str`, optional): The original name of the function. This should be used to set an original baseline for the function. The default name (sub_X, where X is the function start VA) can be overwritten if this is set. creator (:obj:`str`, optional): The creator's handle Examples: Creating MetadataShim instance from function. >>> m1 = MetadataShim(address=0x401000) Creating MetadataShim instance from function and setting original name. >>> m2 = MetadataShim(address=0x401e40, name='memcpy') Creating MetadataShim instace from a function with a creator. >>> m3 = MetadataShim(address=0x401330, creator='demonduck#1337') ''' def __init__(self, address=0, name='', creator=None): self.__address = address self.__original_name = name self.__changed = False self.__id = None self.__author = creator self.__data = None self.__signature = None self.__apis = None self.__snapshots = {} def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, FIRST.MetadataShim): if isinstance(other, FIRST.MetadataServer): return other == self return False return ((self.segment == other.segment) and (self.offset == other.offset) and ( == and (self.prototype == other.prototype) and (self.comment == other.comment))
[docs] def snapshot(self): '''Saves off current function annotations Preserves the function name, comment, prototype and FIRST ID currently associated with the function. This will be used to compare with to detect future changes. ''' data = { 'name' :, 'comment' : self.comment, 'prototype' : self.prototype, 'id' : } self.__snapshots = data
[docs] def apply_metadata(self, data): '''Applies metadata to the function. The metadata will be applied and become visable in IDA Pro. Updates sample's IDB DB with the new function annotations. Args: data (:obj:`MetadataServer`): The metadata result from FIRST server. ''' if not isinstance(data, FIRST.MetadataServer): return # Set function name = # Set function repeatable comment self.comment = data.comment # Set function prototype self.prototype = data.prototype # Set applied id = # Set the author of the metadata self.creator = data.creator self.update_db(False)
@property def id(self): ''':obj:`str`: The FIRST ID associated with the function.''' return self.__id @id.setter def id(self, first_id): self.__id = first_id @property def creator(self): ''':obj:`str`: The handle of the annotation creator.''' return self.__author @creator.setter def creator(self, author): self.__author = author @property def address(self): ''':obj:`int`: The virtual address associated with the function.''' return self.__address @address.setter def address(self, address): if type(address) not in [int, long]: return self.__address = address @property def name(self): ''':obj:`str`: The name of the function''' return IDAW.GetFunctionName(self.__address) @name.setter def name(self, name): # If name starts with 'sub_' then this will cause an error in # IDA with enough errors it'll crash/hang errors if (None == name) or name.startswith('sub_'): return IDAW.MakeName(self.address, name.encode('utf-8'))
[docs] def update_name(self): '''Updates IDB DB if name has changed since last snapshot.''' if != self.__snapshots['name']: self.update_db(True)
@property def original_name(self): ''':obj:`str`: The orginal name of the function. Unfortunately, this is a best guess. If the function has been detected as a library function by IDA then we use the current name since there is no way to get any of the previous names it might have had. If it is not a library function then the original name is sub_X, where X is the VA of the function. Returns: str: The original name of the function. ''' if self.is_lib: self.__original_name return 'sub_{0:X}'.format(self.address) @original_name.setter def original_name(self, name): if self.is_lib: self.__original_name = name @property def comment(self): ''':obj:`str`: The repeatable comment associated with the function. Returns only the first 1024 bytes of the comment. If a comment is longer than that, then it will be truncated to 1024. This mean data could be lost. Returns: str: The function's repeatable comment ''' function = IDAW.get_func(self.address) if function: comment = IDAW.get_func_cmt(function, 1) if comment: return comment[:1024] return '' @comment.setter def comment(self, comment_str): if None == comment_str: return IDAW.SetFunctionCmt(self.address, comment_str.encode('utf-8'), 1)
[docs] def update_comment(self): '''Updates IDB DB if comment has changed since last snapshot.''' if self.comment != self.__snapshots['comment']: self.update_db(True)
@property def prototype(self): ''':obj:`str`: The prototype of the function''' prototype = IDAW.GetType(self.address) if not prototype: prototype = '' return prototype @prototype.setter def prototype(self, prototype_str): if None == prototype_str: return prototype_str = prototype_str.encode('utf-8') if prototype_str: prototype_str += ';' if not IDAW.SetType(self.address, prototype_str): IDAW.SetType(self.address, prototype_str.replace('(', ' f('))
[docs] def update_prototype(self): '''Updates IDB DB if prototype has changed since last snapshot.''' if self.prototype != self.__snapshots['prototype']: self.update_db(True)
@property def segment(self): ''':obj:`int`: The start address of the function's segment. Returns None if no segment can be retrieved ''' segment = IDAW.getseg(self.__address) if segment: return segment.startEA return None @property def offset(self): ''':obj:`int`: The function offset from the start of the segment.''' return self.address - self.segment @property def created(self): ''':obj:`bool`: True if the annotations were created by user.''' return self.creator == None @property def is_lib(self): ''':obj:`bool`: True if function is a library function.''' function = IDAW.get_func(self.__address) return function and ((function.flags & IDAW.FUNC_LIB) != 0) @property def has_changed(self): ''':obj:`bool`: True if function metadata has changed.''' return self.__changed @has_changed.setter def has_changed(self, changed): self.__changed = changed @property def signature(self): ''':obj:`str`: The opcodes associated with the function.''' if not self.__signature: self.__signature = FIRST.Info.signature(self.address) return self.__signature @property def apis(self): ''':obj:`list`: The APIs called by the function.''' if not self.__apis: self.__apis = FIRST.Info.get_apis(self.address) return self.__apis
[docs] def update_db(self, changed): '''Updates the IDB DB with FIRST identifiers.''' # The function name was changed self.__changed = changed if changed and (self.creator != None): # If the creator is set then another person created the # signature. Clear the author and id to allow it to be # added to FIRST as the current users creation self.creator = None = None
[docs] def to_db(self): '''Provides data structure for the IDB's DB. Returns: dict: FIRST information for the DB. { 'offset' : :obj:`int`, 'original_name' : :obj:`str`, 'author' : :obj:`str`, 'id' : :obj:`str`, 'changed' : :obj:`bool` } ''' data = { 'offset' : self.offset, 'original_name' : self.original_name, 'author' : self.creator, 'id' :, 'changed' : self.has_changed } return json.dumps(data)
[docs] def from_db(self, data_str): '''Converts IDB DB data to MetadataShim object. Args: data_str (`str`): JSON data in a string. JSON data keys required: author, changed, original_name, offset, id. ''' required = ['author', 'changed', 'original_name', 'offset', 'id'] try: self.__data = json.loads(data_str) if set(required).issubset(self.__data.keys()): if self.offset != self.__data['offset']: msg = 'Incorrect offsets {0:x} != {1:x}\n'.format( self.offset, self.__data['offset']) idaapi.execute_ui_requests((FIRSTUI.Requests.Print(msg),)) return # The below data is not saved by IDA, needs to restored self.creator = self.__data['author'] self.has_changed = self.__data['changed'] self.original_name = self.__data['original_name'] = self.__data['id'] except TypeError: msg = ('TypeError: Could not load function data ' '(FIRST.MetadataShim.from_db)\n') idaapi.execute_ui_requests((FIRSTUI.Requests.Print(msg),))
[docs] class MetadataServer(object): '''Class to contain a FIRST match and its data. FIRST Metadata container, it encapsulates the data received from the FIRST server. Args: data (:obj:`dict`): Dictionary with the following key values set: name, prototype, creator, id, comment, rank address (:obj:`int`): The VA associated with the function the instance refers to. engine_info (:obj:`dict`): Dictionary with engine names mapping to the engine's description. Raises: FIRST.Error: If data is not a :obj:`dict` or does not have the required keys. ''' def __init__(self, data, address=None, engine_info=None): error_str = 'Cannot encapsulate server metadata' required = ['name', 'prototype', 'creator', 'id', 'comment', 'rank'] if (dict != type(data) or not set(required).issubset(data.keys())): raise FIRST.Error(error_str) self.__data = data self.__address = address self.__engines = engine_info self.__id = data['id'] self.__name = data['name'] self.__rank = data['rank'] self.__creator = data['creator'] self.__comment = data['comment'] self.__prototype = data['prototype'] self.__similarity = 0 if 'similarity' in data: self.__similarity = data['similarity'] def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, FIRST.MetadataShim): return False return (( == and (self.prototype == other.prototype) and (self.comment == other.comment) and ( == and (self.creator == other.created)) @property def address(self): ''':obj:`int`: The virtual address associated with the function.''' return self.__address @property def name(self): ''':obj:`str`: The name of the function''' return self.__name @property def prototype(self): ''':obj:`str`: The prototype of the function''' if not self.__prototype: return '' return self.__prototype @property def comment(self): ''':obj:`str`: The comment associated with the function.''' if not self.__comment: return '' return self.__comment @property def creator(self): ''':obj:`str`: The handle of the annotation creator.''' return self.__creator @property def id(self): ''':obj:`str`: The FIRST ID associated with this metadata.''' return self.__id @property def rank(self): ''':obj:`int`: The number of unqiue applies of this metadata.''' return self.__rank @property def similarity(self): ''':obj:`float`: The percentage of similarity between this function and the original queried for function. This value can be very rough estimate depending on the engine.''' return self.__similarity @property def engine_info(self): ''':obj:`dict`: The mapping from engine name to its description.''' if not self.__engines: return {} return self.__engines
[docs] class Configuration(object): '''Class containing configuration details for FIRST. Args: config (:obj:`RawConfigParser`): Configuration details for plugin. ''' def __init__(self, config=None): self.__server = '' self.__port = 443 self.__protocol = 'https' self.__verify = False self.__auth = False self.__api_key = '' self.__data = {} # Load configuration if isinstance(config, ConfigParser.RawConfigParser): self.load_config(config) @property def server(self): ''':obj:`str`: The FIRST server.''' return self.__server
[docs] def set_server(self, _server): self.__server = _server
@property def port(self): ''':obj:`int`: The FIRST server port (Default: 80)''' if isinstance(self.__port, int): return self.__port try: return int(self.__port) except ValueError: return 80
[docs] def set_port(self, _port): self.__port = _port
@property def protocol(self): ''':obj:`str`: The TCP protocol used to communicate with FIRST.''' return self.__protocol
[docs] def set_protocol(self, _protocol): self.__protocol = _protocol
@property def auth(self): ''':obj:`HTTPKeberosAuth`: Authenication used with FIRST (default: None).''' return self.__auth @property def authentication(self): ''':obj:`bool`: Flag set if authentication is used in connection.''' return self.__auth == True @property def verify(self): ''':obj:`bool`: Whether the SSL cert will be verified.''' return self.__verify == True
[docs] def set_verify(self, _verify): self.__verify = _verify
[docs] def set_authentication(self, _authentication): self.__auth = _authentication
@property def api_key(self): ''':obj:`str`: The user's API key.''' return self.__api_key
[docs] def set_api_key(self, key): self.__api_key = key
[docs] def set_data(self, key, value): '''Sets a specific configuration setting. Args: key (:obj:`str`): The configuration setting. value (:obj:`str`): The configuration setting value. ''' self.__data[key] = value
[docs] def save_config(self, config_path): '''Saves the configuration set in this instance to disk. Args: config_path (:obj:`str`): File path to save configuration. ''' config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() section = 'connection_info' values = { 'server' : self.server, 'port' : self.port, 'protocol' : self.protocol, 'verify' : self.verify, 'authentication' : self.authentication, 'api_key' : self.api_key} config.add_section(section) for option, value in values.iteritems(): config.set(section, option, value) if len(self.__data): section = 'settings' config.add_section(section) for option, value in self.__data.iteritems(): config.set(section, option, value) try: with open(config_path, 'wb') as f: config.write(f) except IOError as e: idaapi.execute_ui_requests((FIRSTUI.Requests.Print(str(e) + '\n'),))
[docs] def load_config(self, config): '''Loads configuration details into this instance. Args: config (:obj:`RawConfigParser`): The configuration details to load. ''' if not isinstance(config, ConfigParser.RawConfigParser): return self.__data = {} # Set connection information section = 'connection_info' if config.has_section(section): required = {'server' : self.set_server, 'port' : self.set_port, 'verify' : self.set_verify, 'protocol' : self.set_protocol, 'authentication' : self.set_authentication, 'api_key' : self.set_api_key} for option, set_function in required.iteritems(): if config.has_option(section, option): set_function(config.get(section, option)) section = 'settings' if config.has_section(section): for option in config.options(section): self.__data[option] = config.get(section, option)
[docs] class Server(object): '''Encapsulate interacting with the FIRST server's REST API. Note: Using functions ``set_protocol``, ``set_server``, and ``set_port`` do not update the configuration details, just the server instance represented with this class. Attributes: urn (:obj:`str`): URL format string. paths (:obj:`dict`): Mapping between operations and FIRST URI path format strings. MAX_CHUNK (:obj:`int`): The maximum number of entries sent to the server. Default: 20 Note: The FIRST server can set the max number of entries received. If this value is greater than the server's then the server will not perform the operation. Args: config (:obj:`Configuration`): FIRST configuration information. h_md5 (:obj:`str`): The MD5 of the sample. crc32 (:obj:`int`): The CRC32 of the sample. h_sha1 (:obj:`str`, optional): The SHA1 of the sample. h_sha256 (:obj:`str`, optional): The SHA256 of the sample. ''' MAX_CHUNK = 20 urn = '{0.protocol}://{0.server}:{0.port}/{1}' paths = { # Test Connection URL 'test' : 'api/test_connection/{0[api_key]}', 'checkin' : 'api/sample/checkin/{0[api_key]}', # Metadata URLs 'add' : 'api/metadata/add/{0[api_key]}', 'history' : 'api/metadata/history/{0[api_key]}', 'applied' : 'api/metadata/applied/{0[api_key]}', 'unapplied' : 'api/metadata/unapplied/{0[api_key]}', 'delete' : 'api/metadata/delete/{0[api_key]}/{0[id]}', 'created' : 'api/metadata/created/{0[api_key]}/{0[page]}', 'get' : 'api/metadata/get/{0[api_key]}', # Scan URLs 'scan' : 'api/metadata/scan/{0[api_key]}', } def __init__(self, config, h_md5, crc32, h_sha1=None, h_sha256=None): self.error_log = [] self.threads = {} self.checkedin = False self.binary_info = {'md5' : h_md5, 'crc32' : crc32, 'sha1' : h_sha1, 'sha256' : h_sha256} self.auth, self.server, self.protocol = [None] * 3 self.port, self.verify, self.api_key = [None] * 3 if isinstance(config, FIRST.Configuration): self.auth = config.authentication self.server = config.server self.protocol = config.protocol self.port = config.port self.verify = config.verify self.api_key = config.api_key
[docs] def set_port(self, port): '''Overrides the FIRST server port set in the configuration. Args: port (:obj:`int`): The FIRST server port. ''' self.checkedin = False self.port = port
[docs] def set_protocol(self, protocol): '''Overrides the FIRST server protocol set in the configuration. Args: protocol (:obj:`int`): The FIRST server protocol. ''' self.checkedin = False self.protocol = protocol
[docs] def set_server(self, server): '''Overrides the FIRST server set in the configuration. Args: port (:obj:`int`): The FIRST server. ''' self.checkedin = False self.server = server
[docs] def checkin(self, action): '''Checks in with FIRST server to ensure annotations can be added. This function must be called before any annotations are added to FIRST. This function allows the FIRST server to setup information about the sample, thereby allowing functions to be associated with the sample. This only needs to be called once and is attempted before the first user selected operation. This operation is not done if the operation to be performed is to test the connection to the server. Args: action (:obj:`str`): The FIRST operation to be performed ''' if self.checkedin or action == 'test': return self.checkedin = True response = self._sendp('checkin', self.binary_info) if (not response or (('failed' in response) and response['failed']) or (('checkin' in response) and not response['checkin'])): # Try to check in again with the next sever communication self.checkedin = False return
def _sendp(self, action, params={}, raw=False): self.checkin(action) if action not in self.paths: return None # Ensure all None values are converted to empty strings for key in params: if params[key] is None: params[key] = '' authentication = None if self.auth: if not HTTPKerberosAuth: idaapi.execute_ui_requests((FIRSTUI.Requests.Print('[1st] Kerberos module is not loaded\n'),)) return authentication = HTTPKerberosAuth() url = self.urn.format(self, self.paths[action]) if FIRST.debug: idaapi.execute_ui_requests( (FIRSTUI.Requests.Print( '[POST] {}\nSending: '.format(url.format(self._user()))),) ) pprint(params) try: response =, data=params, verify=self.verify, headers=g_network_headers, auth=authentication) if raw: return response except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: title = 'Cannot connect to FIRST' msg = ('Unable to connect to FIRST server at {0}\n' 'Retry operation').format(self.server) idaapi.execute_ui_requests((FIRSTUI.Requests.MsgBox(title, msg),)) raise FIRST.Error('cannot connect') except requests.exceptions.Timeout as e: title = 'Cannot connect to FIRST' msg = ( 'Unable to connect to FIRST server at {0}. ' 'Connection timed out.').format(self.server) idaapi.execute_ui_requests((FIRSTUI.Requests.MsgBox(title, msg),)) return if FIRST.debug: print response if 'content' in dir(response): print response.content if 'status_code' not in dir(response): return None elif 200 != response.status_code: return None #idaapi.execute_ui_requests((FIRSTUI.Requests.Print('Server Raw Response:'), # (FIRSTUI.Requests.Print(response))) #try: # pprint(response.text) #except: # pass response = self.to_json(response) if FIRST.debug: idaapi.execute_ui_requests((FIRSTUI.Requests.Print('Server Response:'),)) pprint(response) return response def _sendg(self, action, params={}, raw=False): self.checkin(action) if action not in self.paths: return None # Ensure all None values are converted to empty strings for key in params: if params[key] is None: params[key] = '' params.update(self._user()) #idaapi.execute_ui_requests((FIRSTUI.Requests.Print('[GET] Sending: '),)) #pprint(params) authentication = None if self.auth: if not HTTPKerberosAuth: idaapi.execute_ui_requests((FIRSTUI.Requests.Print('[1st] Kerberos module is not loaded\n'),)) return authentication = HTTPKerberosAuth() url = self.urn.format(self, self.paths[action]) try: response = requests.get(url.format(params), verify=self.verify, headers=g_network_headers, auth=authentication) if raw: return response except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: title = 'Cannot connect to FIRST' msg = ('Unable to connect to FIRST server at {0}\n' 'Retry operation').format(self.server) idaapi.execute_ui_requests((FIRSTUI.Requests.MsgBox(title, msg),)) raise FIRST.Error('cannot connect') except requests.exceptions.Timeout as e: title = 'Cannot connect to FIRST' msg = ( 'Unable to connect to FIRST server at {0}. ' 'Connection timed out.').format(self.server) idaapi.execute_ui_requests((FIRSTUI.Requests.MsgBox(title, msg),)) return if 'status_code' not in dir(response): return None elif 200 != response.status_code: return None #idaapi.execute_ui_requests((FIRSTUI.Requests.Print('Server Raw Response:'), # FIRSTUI.Requests.Print(response)) #try: # pprint(response.text) #except: # pass response = self.to_json(response) #idaapi.execute_ui_requests((FIRSTUI.Requests.Print('Server Response:'),)) #pprint(response) return response
[docs] def to_json(self, response): '''Converts Requests' response object to json. Args: response (:obj:`requests.models.Response`): A request response. Returns: dict: JSON data or empty dictionary. ''' try: return response.json() except: return {}
def _user(self): return {'api_key' : self.api_key} def _min_info(self): return {'md5' : self.binary_info['md5'], 'crc32' : self.binary_info['crc32']}
[docs] def stop_operation(self, server_thread): '''Signals a server thread to stop its work. Args: server_thread (:obj:`threading.Thread`): The thread to stop. ''' if server_thread not in self.threads: return self.threads[server_thread]['stop'] = True self.threads[server_thread]['complete'] = True
[docs] def remove_operation(self, server_thread): '''Removes operation from server thread structure. Args: server_thread (:obj:`threading.Thread`): The thread to remove. ''' if server_thread in self.threads: del self.threads[server_thread]
# Test connection URL
[docs] def test_connection(self): '''Interacts with server to see if there is a valid connection. This is a short operation and is a blocking call. Returns: bool: True if connection can be made and FIRST returns a success message. False otherwise. ''' if not self.api_key: return False try: data = self._sendg('test', {'api_key' : self.api_key}) except FIRST.Error as e: data = None return data and ('status' in data) and ('connected' == data['status'])
# Signature URLS
[docs] def add(self, metadata, data_callback=None, complete_callback=None): '''Adds function metadata to FIRST. This is a long operation, thus it has the option of providing a ``data_callback`` and ``complete_callback`` arguments. Those arguments are functions that will be called with the newly returned data and when the whole operation is complete, respectively. Both functions should follow the below their respective prototypes; ``data_callback_prototype`` and ``complete_callback_prototype``. Args: metadata (:obj:`list` of :obj:`MetadataShim` or :obj:`MetadataShim`): The metadata to be added to FIRST. data_callback (:obj:`data_callback_prototype`, optional): A function to call when data is receieved from the server. complete_callback (:obj:`complete_callback_prototype`, optional): A function to call when the whole long operation completes. Returns: threading.Thread. The thread created for the operation. ''' args = (metadata, data_callback, complete_callback) thread = threading.Thread(target=self.__thread_add, args=args) thread.daemon = True thread.start() return thread
def __thread_add(self, metadata, data_callback=None, complete_callback=None): '''thread''' thread = threading.current_thread() self.threads[thread] = {'results' : [], 'complete' : False, 'stop' : False} if isinstance(metadata, FIRST.MetadataShim): metadata = [metadata] if False in [isinstance(m, FIRST.MetadataShim) for m in metadata]: self.threads[thread]['complete'] = True if complete_callback: complete_callback(thread, self.threads[thread]) return architecture = FIRST.Info.get_architecture() for i in xrange(0, len(metadata), self.MAX_CHUNK): params = self._min_info() data = {} for m in metadata[i:i + self.MAX_CHUNK]: data[m.address] = { 'architecture' : architecture, 'opcodes' : b64encode(m.signature), 'name' :, 'prototype' : m.prototype, 'comment' : m.comment, 'apis' : m.apis, 'id' :} params['functions'] = json.dumps(data) try: response = self._sendp('add', params) except FIRST.Error as e: self.threads[thread]['complete'] = True if complete_callback: complete_callback(thread, self.threads[thread]) return if response: self.threads[thread]['results'].append(response) if data_callback: data_callback(thread, response) if self.threads[thread]['stop']: break self.threads[thread]['complete'] = True if complete_callback: complete_callback(thread, self.threads[thread])
[docs] def history(self, metadata): '''Gets annotation history from FIRST. This is a short operation and is a blocking call. Args: metadata (:obj:`MetadataShim` or :obj:`MetadataServer`): The FIRST annotation the history is being requested. Returns: dict: JSON data returned from server. None on failure. ''' if (isinstance(metadata, FIRST.MetadataShim) or isinstance(metadata, FIRST.MetadataServer)): metadata = try: response = self._sendp('history', {'metadata' : json.dumps([metadata])}) except FIRST.Error as e: return None return response
[docs] def applied(self, metadata_id): '''Sets a FIRST annotation as applied to this sample. This is a short operation and is a blocking call. Args: metadata_id (:obj:`str`): The FIRST annotation ID. Returns: dict: JSON data returned from the server. None on failure. ''' params = self._min_info() params['id'] = metadata_id try: response = self._sendp('applied', params) except FIRST.Error as e: return None return response
[docs] def unapplied(self, metadata_id): '''Sets a FIRST annotation as unapplied to this sample. This is a short operation and is a blocking call. Args: metadata_id (:obj:`str`): The FIRST annotation ID. Returns: dict: JSON data returned from the server. None on failure. ''' params = self._min_info() params['id'] = metadata_id try: response = self._sendp('unapplied', params) except FIRST.Error as e: return None return response
[docs] def delete(self, metadata_id): '''Deletes a FIRST annotation created by the user. This is a short operation and is a blocking call. Args: metadata_id (:obj:`str`): The FIRST annotation ID. Returns: dict: JSON data returned from the server. None on failure. ''' params = {'id' : metadata_id} try: response = self._sendg('delete', params) except FIRST.Error as e: return None return response
[docs] def created(self, data_callback=None, complete_callback=None): '''Retrieves FIRST annotations the user has created. This is a long operation, thus it has the option of providing a ``data_callback`` and ``complete_callback`` arguments. Those arguments are functions that will be called with the newly returned data and when the whole operation is complete, respectively. Both functions should follow the below their respective prototypes; ``data_callback_prototype`` and ``complete_callback_prototype``. Args: data_callback (:obj:`data_callback_prototype`, optional): A function to call when data is receieved from the server. complete_callback (:obj:`complete_callback_prototype`, optional): A function to call when the whole long operation completes. Returns: threading.Thread. The thread created for the operation. ''' args = (data_callback, complete_callback) thread = threading.Thread(target=self.__thread_created, args=args) thread.daemon = True thread.start() return thread
def __thread_created(self, data_callback=None, complete_callback=None): '''Thread to get created data''' thread = threading.current_thread() self.threads[thread] = {'results' : [], 'complete' : False, 'stop' : False} page = 1 total_pages = 0 first_time = True while (first_time or ((page <= total_pages) and (not self.threads[thread]['stop']))): if first_time: first_time = False try: response = self._sendg('created', {'page' : page}) except FIRST.Error as e: self.threads[thread]['complete'] = True if complete_callback: complete_callback(thread, self.threads[thread]) if not response: continue if 'pages' in response: total_pages = response['pages'] # Print out page data very 10 percent ten_percent = total_pages / 10.0 if (not ten_percent) or (0 == (page % ten_percent)): idaapi.execute_ui_requests((FIRSTUI.Requests.Print('{} out of {} pages\n'.format(page, total_pages)),)) if ('results' in response) and response['results']: metadata = response['results'] data = [FIRST.MetadataServer(x, x['id']) for x in metadata] self.threads[thread]['results'].append(data) if data_callback: data_callback(thread, data) page += 1 self.threads[thread]['complete'] = True if complete_callback: complete_callback(thread, self.threads[thread])
[docs] def get(self, metadata_ids, data_callback=None, complete_callback=None): '''Retrieves FIRST annotations the user has created. This is a long operation, thus it has the option of providing a ``data_callback`` and ``complete_callback`` arguments. Those arguments are functions that will be called with the newly returned data and when the whole operation is complete, respectively. Both functions should follow the below their respective prototypes; ``data_callback_prototype`` and ``complete_callback_prototype``. Args: metadata (:obj:`list` of :obj:`MetadataShim`): The metadata to be retrieved from FIRST. data_callback (:obj:`data_callback_prototype`, optional): A function to call when data is receieved from the server. complete_callback (:obj:`complete_callback_prototype`, optional): A function to call when the whole long operation completes. Returns: threading.Thread. The thread created for the operation. ''' args = (metadata_ids, data_callback, complete_callback) thread = threading.Thread(target=self.__thread_get, args=args) thread.daemon = True thread.start() return thread
def __thread_get(self, metadata, data_callback=None, complete_callback=None): '''Thread to get metadata''' thread = threading.current_thread() self.threads[thread] = {'results' : [], 'complete' : False, 'stop' : False} if isinstance(metadata, FIRST.MetadataShim): metadata = [metadata] if False in [isinstance(m, FIRST.MetadataShim) for m in metadata]: self.threads[thread]['complete'] = True return for i in xrange(0, len(metadata), self.MAX_CHUNK): if self.threads[thread]['stop']: break data = [ for m in metadata[i:i + self.MAX_CHUNK]] try: response = self._sendp('get', {'metadata' : json.dumps(data)}) except FIRST.Error as e: self.threads[thread]['complete'] = True if complete_callback: complete_callback(thread, self.threads[thread]) return if (not response or ('results' not in response) or (dict != type(response['results'])) or (not len(response['results']))): continue results = {} for metadata_id, details in response['results'].iteritems(): results[metadata_id] = FIRST.MetadataServer(details) if 0 < len(results): self.threads[thread]['results'].append(results) if data_callback: data_callback(thread, results) self.threads[thread]['complete'] = True if complete_callback: complete_callback(thread, self.threads[thread])
[docs] def scan(self, metadata, data_callback=None, complete_callback=None): '''Queries FIRST for matches. This is a long operation, thus it has the option of providing a ``data_callback`` and ``complete_callback`` arguments. Those arguments are functions that will be called with the newly returned data and when the whole operation is complete, respectively. Both functions should follow the below their respective prototypes; ``data_callback_prototype`` and ``complete_callback_prototype``. Args: metadata (:obj:`list` of :obj:`MetadataShim`): The metadata to be queried for matches in FIRST. data_callback (:obj:`data_callback_prototype`, optional): A function to call when data is receieved from the server. complete_callback (:obj:`complete_callback_prototype`, optional): A function to call when the whole long operation completes. Returns: threading.Thread. The thread created for the operation. ''' args = (metadata, data_callback, complete_callback) thread = threading.Thread(target=self.__thread_scan, args=args) thread.daemon = True thread.start() return thread
def __thread_scan(self, metadata, data_callback=None, complete_callback=None): '''Thread to query FIRST for metadata''' thread = threading.current_thread() self.threads[thread] = {'results' : [], 'complete' : False, 'stop' : False} if isinstance(metadata, FIRST.MetadataShim): metadata = [metadata] if False in [isinstance(m, FIRST.MetadataShim) for m in metadata]: self.threads[thread]['complete'] = True return subkeys = {'engines', 'matches'} architecture = FIRST.Info.get_architecture() for i in xrange(0, len(metadata), self.MAX_CHUNK): if self.threads[thread]['stop']: break params = self._min_info() data = {} for m in metadata[i:i + self.MAX_CHUNK]: signature = m.signature if not signature: continue data[m.address] = { 'opcodes' : b64encode(m.signature), 'apis' : m.apis, 'architecture' : architecture} params['functions'] = json.dumps(data) try: response = self._sendp('scan', params) except FIRST.Error as e: self.threads[thread]['complete'] = True if complete_callback: complete_callback(thread, self.threads[thread]) return if (not response or ('results' not in response) or (dict != type(response['results'])) or (not subkeys.issubset(response['results'].keys())) or (0 == len(response['results']['matches']))): continue results = {} engine_info = response['results']['engines'] matches = response['results']['matches'] for address_str in matches: functions = [] address = int(address_str) for match in matches[address_str]: engines = {x : engine_info[x] for x in match['engines']} data = FIRST.MetadataServer(match, address, engines) functions.append(data) if len(functions) > 0: results[address] = functions if 0 < len(results): self.threads[thread]['results'].append(results) if data_callback: data_callback(thread, results) self.threads[thread]['complete'] = True if complete_callback: complete_callback(thread, self.threads[thread])
[docs] class Model(object):
[docs] class Base(QtCore.QAbstractTableModel): '''A QT QAbstractTableModel Implementation. Args: header (:obj:`list`): The column values. data (:obj:`dict`): Dictionary of values. parent (:obj:`QtCore.QObject`): The parent object. Overloads many class methods to provide the functionality FIRST required. ''' def __init__(self, header, data=None, parent=None): super(FIRST.Model.Base, self).__init__(parent) self.header = header self._data = data if None == data: self._data = collections.OrderedDict()
[docs] def rowCount(self, parent=QtCore.QModelIndex()): '''The number of rows under the given parent. When the parent is valid it means that rowCount is returning the number of children of parent. Args: parent (:obj:`QtCore.QModelIndex`, optional): Parent Returns: int: Number of rows ''' if None == self._data: return 0 return len(self._data)
[docs] def columnCount(self, parent=QtCore.QModelIndex()): '''The number of columns for the children of the given parent. Args: parent (:obj:`QtCore.QModelIndex`, optional): Parent Returns: int: Number of columns ''' if None == self.header: return 0 return len(self.header)
[docs] def data(self, index, role=Qt.DisplayRole): '''The data stored under the given role for the item referred to by the index. Args: index (:obj:`QtCore.QModelIndex`): Index role (:obj:`Qt.ItemDataRole`): Default :obj:`Qt.DisplayRole` Returns: data ''' if role == Qt.DisplayRole: row = self._data[index.row()] if (index.column() == 0) and (type(row) != dict): return row elif index.column() < self.columnCount(): if type(row) == dict: if self.header[index.column()] in row: return row[self.header[index.column()]] elif self.header[index.column()].lower() in row: return row[self.header[index.column()].lower()] return row[index.column()] return None elif role == Qt.FontRole: return QtGui.QFont().setPointSize(30) elif role == Qt.DecorationRole and index.column() == 0: return None elif role == Qt.TextAlignmentRole: return Qt.AlignLeft;
[docs] def headerData(self, section, orientation, role=Qt.DisplayRole): '''The data for the given role and section in the header with the specified orientation. Args: section (:obj:`int`): orientation (:obj:`Qt.Orientation`): role (:obj:`Qt.DisplayRole`): Returns: data ''' if role != Qt.DisplayRole: return None if (orientation == Qt.Horizontal) and (section < len(self.header)): return self.header[section] return None
[docs] def raw_data(self, i): '''Provides a way to get the raw data in the model. Args: i (:obj:`int`): The data index to be retrieved. Returns: dict. The data held at the given index, otherwise None. ''' if i < len(self._data): return self._data[i] return None
[docs] class Upload(Base): '''Expands on the Base QAbstractTableModel for Add operation. Data held in this DataModel is sorted based on their offset within the IDB. A couple of additional functions are added to this model to provide more functionality to modify the selected underlying data. ''' def __init__(self, header, data, parent=None): super(FIRST.Model.Upload, self).__init__(header, data, parent) self._data.sort(cmp=lambda x,y: cmp(x.offset, y.offset)) self.__original_data = self._data self.select_all_flag = False self.rows_selected = set()
[docs] def set_row_selected(self, row): '''Causes a row to be selected or deselected. Args: row (:obj:`int`): The row index to be selected. ''' if row in self.rows_selected: self.rows_selected.remove(row) else: self.rows_selected.add(row)
[docs] def select_all(self, flag): '''Makes all visible functions selected or deselected. Args: flag (:obj:`bool`): Flag to select or deselect all. ''' self.rows_selected = set(xrange(len(self._data))) if flag else set()
[docs] def filter_sub_functions(self, flag): '''Filters out or restores any sub_* functions. Args: flag (:obj:`bool`): Flag to filter out or restore sub_* functions ''' self.beginResetModel() if flag: self._data = [d for d in self._data if not'sub_')] else: self._data = self.__original_data self.endResetModel() self.select_all(False)
[docs] def set_colors(self, changed='66d9ef', unchanged='d2d2d2', default='ffffff', select='a9c5ff'): '''Sets the colors associated with the various properties. Args: changed (:obj:`str`): Change color, default: '66d9ef' unchanged (:obj:`str`): Unchanged color, default: 'd2d2d2' default (:obj:`str`): Default color, default: 'ffffff' select (:obj:`str`): Selected color, default: 'a9c5ff' ''' colors = [changed, unchanged, default, select] if None in [re.match('^[a-fA-F0-9]{6}$', x) for x in colors]: # Invalid color provided return self.colors = [] for c in colors: r, g, b = int(c[:2], 16), int(c[2:4], 16), int(c[-2:], 16) self.colors.append(QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor.fromRgb(r, g, b)))
[docs] def data(self, index, role): if not index.isValid(): return None if not (0 <= index.row() < self.rowCount()): return None elif role == Qt.FontRole: return QtGui.QFont().setPointSize(30) elif role == Qt.DecorationRole and index.column() == 0: return None elif role == Qt.TextAlignmentRole: return Qt.AlignLeft; # Color background if role == Qt.BackgroundRole: function = self._data[index.row()] # Row is selected if index.row() in self.rows_selected: return FIRST.color_selected # Data has been updated since original if function.has_changed: return FIRST.color_changed # if is not None: return FIRST.color_unchanged # Return the default color return FIRST.color_default if role == Qt.DisplayRole: function = self._data[index.row()] column = index.column() if 0 == column: return '0x{0:X}'.format(function.address) elif 1 == column: return elif 2 == column: return function.prototype elif 3 == column: return function.comment return None return super(FIRST.Model.Upload, self).data(index, role)
[docs] def get_selected_data(self): '''Returns the list of data selected in the model.''' return [self._data[x] for x in self.rows_selected]
[docs] class Check(QtGui.QStandardItemModel): '''Expands on the Qt QStandardItemModel for Check operations.''' def __init__(self, data, parent=None): super(FIRST.Model.Check, self).__init__(parent) self._data = {} self.select_highest_flag = False self.ids_selected = set() self.applied_ids = set() self.add_data(data)
[docs] def add_data(self, data): '''Provides a way to add more data to the model. Args: data (:obj:`dict`): Data to be added to the model. ''' self._data.update(data) for address in data: function = FIRST.Metadata.get_function(address) if function and self.applied_ids.add((address,
[docs] def set_id_selected(self, data): '''Add or removes data associated with an ID to/from the selected ids array. Args: data (:obj:`list`): The data to be (de)selected. ''' if not data or 2 != len(data): return if data in self.ids_selected: self.ids_selected.remove(data) else: address, data_id = data # Find if any other matches that have been selected for # that address, id pair for match in self._data[address]: key = (address, if key in self.ids_selected: self.ids_selected.remove(key) self.ids_selected.add(data)
[docs] def select_highest_ranked(self, flag, hidden=[]): '''Sets the highsest rank annotations as (de)selected. Args: flag (:obj:`bool`): Where to select or deselect the highest. True to select highest, False to deselect highest. hidden (:obj:`list` or :obj:`int`): Address that should be skipped. ''' self.ids_selected = set() func = lambda x: x[0] # Iterate through each match set, selecting the highest ranked if flag: # Reset list self.ids_selected = set() for address, matches in self._data.iteritems(): # If address is hidden then skip it if address in hidden: continue ids = {} # Group highest similarity percentages first for match in matches: if match.similarity not in ids: ids[match.similarity] = [] ids[match.similarity].append(match) # Get highest similiarity group index = max(ids) similar = ids[index] # Get highest ranked metadata match = max(similar, key=lambda x: x.rank).id self.set_id_selected((address, match))
[docs] def unselect_group(self, data): '''Unselects a group of addresses at once. Args: data (:obj:`list` of :obj:`int`): List of addresses. ''' lookup = {d[0] : d for d in self.ids_selected} for address in data: if address in lookup: self.ids_selected.remove(lookup[address])
[docs] def data(self, index, role): '''The data stored under the given role for the item referred to by the index. Args: index (:obj:`QtCore.QModelIndex`): Index role (:obj:`Qt.ItemDataRole`): Default :obj:`Qt.DisplayRole` Returns: data ''' if not index.isValid(): return None # Color background if role == Qt.BackgroundRole: metadata_id = address = if (metadata_id and address and ((address, metadata_id) in self.ids_selected)): return FIRST.color_selected elif (metadata_id and address and ((address, metadata_id) in self.applied_ids)): return FIRST.color_applied # Data has been updated since original elif not metadata_id: return FIRST.color_unchanged # Return the default color return FIRST.color_default return super(FIRST.Model.Check, self).data(index, role)
[docs] def get_selected_data(self): '''Returns a dictionary of data selected in the model.''' data = {} for (address, _id) in self.ids_selected: if address not in self._data: continue match = [x for x in self._data[address] if == _id] if match: data[address] = match[0] return data
[docs] class TreeView(QtWidgets.QTreeView): '''A QT QTreeView Implementation. Args: widget (:obj:`Qt.QObject`, optional): The parent. depth (:obj:`int`, optional): The depth of the tree. ''' def __init__(self, widget=None, depth=2): super(FIRST.Model.TreeView, self).__init__(widget) self.__depth = depth
[docs] def drawRow(self, painter, option, index): '''Draws the row in the tree view that contains the model item index, using the painter given. The option control how the item is displayed. Args: painter (:obj:`QtGui.QPainter`): Painter option (:obj:`QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem`): Options index (:obj:`QtCore.QModelIndex`): Index ''' metadata_id = header = self.header() firstSection = header.logicalIndex(0) left = header.sectionViewportPosition(firstSection) indent = self.__depth * self.indentation() if ( and (index.row() == 0) and (index.column() == 0)): lastSection = header.logicalIndex(header.count() - 1) right = header.sectionViewportPosition(lastSection) + header.sectionSize(lastSection) left += indent; option.rect.setX(left) option.rect.setWidth(right - left) self.itemDelegate(index).paint(painter, option, index) else: super(FIRST.Model.TreeView, self).drawRow(painter, option, index)
[docs] class Callbacks(object): '''Callbacks for FIRST's Dialog UI components. This class contains only static methods and should be accessed as such. '''
[docs] @staticmethod def accepted(fclass, dialog): '''Registered callback for accept dialog action. Args: fclass (:obj:`idaapi.PluginForm`): The plugin form part of dialog (:obj:`FIRSTUI.*`): A dialog box object. ''' if (isinstance(dialog, FIRSTUI.Upload) or isinstance(dialog, FIRSTUI.UploadAll)): FIRST.Callbacks.Upload(dialog) elif (isinstance(dialog, FIRSTUI.Check) or isinstance(dialog, FIRSTUI.CheckAll)): FIRST.Callbacks.check(dialog) elif isinstance(dialog, FIRSTUI.Welcome): FIRST.Callbacks.welcome(dialog)
[docs] @staticmethod def welcome(dialog): '''Welcome dialog box handler. Args: dialog (:obj:`FIRSTUI.Welcome`): Welcome dialog box. ''' FIRST.config = FIRSTUI.SharedObjects.get_config(dialog) FIRST.config.save_config(FIRST.config_path) info = FIRST.Info.get_file_details() FIRST.server = FIRST.Server(FIRST.config, info['md5'], info['crc32'], h_sha1=info['sha1'], h_sha256=info['sha256']) FIRST.Metadata.populate_function_list() FIRST.plugin_enabled = True
[docs] @staticmethod def check(dialog): '''Check and CheckAll dialog box handler. Args: dialog (:obj:`FIRSTUI.Check` or :obj:`FIRSTUI.CheckAll`): Check or CheckAll dialog box. ''' data = dialog.data_model.get_selected_data() if data: message = ('Applying metadata to {0} signature(s)\n' ' {1}% complete') i = 0.0 total = len(data) idaapi.show_wait_box(message.format(total, int(i))) try: for address, metadata in data.iteritems(): function = FIRST.Metadata.get_function(address) if idaapi.wasBreak(): raise FIRST.Error('canceled') if function: percentage = int((i / total) * 100) msg = message.format(total, percentage) idaapi.replace_wait_box(msg) # Check if metadata was already applied to the file # If so, tell FIRST server it was unapplied if FIRST.server.unapplied( # Apply metadata and inform FIRST it was applied function.apply_metadata(metadata) FIRST.server.applied( else: msg = '[1st] Error: getting function at {0:x}\n'.format(address) idaapi.execute_ui_requests((FIRSTUI.Requests.Print(msg),)) i += 1 except FIRST.Error as e: idaapi.replace_wait_box('Not all metadata was applied') time.sleep(1) finally: idaapi.hide_wait_box() message = 'Applied metadata data to {} out of {} functions\n' idaapi.execute_ui_requests((FIRSTUI.Requests.Print(message.format(int(i), total)),)) else: idaapi.execute_ui_requests((FIRSTUI.Requests.Print('No functions were selected\n'),))
[docs] class Upload(object): '''Uploading/Adding callback class. This class is basic and sets up data and complete callbacks for the add operation. Args: dialog (:obj:`FIRSTUI.Upload` or :obj:`FIRSTUI.UploadAll`): Dialog box the accepted button was selected. Attributes: message (:obj:`str`): Format string for the wait box message. ''' message = ('Uploading metadata for {0} function(s)\n' ' {1}% complete') def __init__(self, dialog): data = [] self.__to_update = [] if isinstance(dialog, FIRSTUI.UploadAll): data = dialog.get_selected_data() elif isinstance(dialog, FIRSTUI.Upload): data.append(dialog.metadata) = len(data) self.uploaded = 0.0 # If there is no data of incorrect dialog received then exit if not data: return idaapi.show_wait_box(self.message.format(, 0)) thread = FIRST.server.add(data, self.__data, self.__complete) def __data(self, thread, data): if ('failed' in data) and data['failed']: idaapi.hide_wait_box() if 'msg' not in data: return msg = '[1st] Error: {}'.format(data['msg']) print msg #idaapi.execute_ui_requests((FIRSTUI.Requests.Print(msg),)) return if ('results' not in data): idaapi.hide_wait_box() msg = '[1st] Error: no results returned' print msg #idaapi.execute_ui_requests((FIRSTUI.Requests.Print(msg),)) return results = data['results'] for address, metadata_id in results.iteritems(): # Update Wait Box self.uploaded += 1 percentage = int((self.uploaded / * 100) msg = self.message.format(, percentage) idaapi.replace_wait_box(msg) if idaapi.wasBreak(): FIRST.server.stop_operation(thread) msg = 'Not all functions were added to FIRST' idaapi.execute_ui_requests((FIRSTUI.Requests.Print(msg),)) return f = FIRST.Metadata.get_function(int(address)) if f: if and ( != metadata_id): FIRST.server.unapplied( = metadata_id self.__to_update.append(f) def __complete(self, thread, data): FIRST.server.remove_operation(thread) idaapi.hide_wait_box() msg = 'Added {} function(s) to FIRST\n'.format(int(self.uploaded)) idaapi.execute_ui_requests((FIRSTUI.Requests.Print(msg),)) changed = {'changed' : False} func = FIRSTUI.Requests.Callback updates = [func(x.update_db, **changed) for x in self.__to_update] idaapi.execute_ui_requests(updates)
[docs] class Update(object): '''Updating callback class. This class is basic and sets up data and complete callbacks for the add operation. Args: dialog (:obj:`FIRSTUI.Update`): Dialog box the accepted button was selected. ''' def __init__(self): to_update = FIRST.Metadata.get_functions_with_applied_metadata() self.functions = { : f for f in to_update if} = len(self.functions) self.updated = 0 server_thread = FIRST.server.get(self.functions.values(), self.__data, self.__complete) def __data(self, thread, data): if (not data) and (dict != type(data)): return for metadata_id, metadata in data.iteritems(): if metadata_id not in self.functions: continue self.updated += 1 function = self.functions[metadata_id] function.apply_metadata(metadata) # Remove function from dictionary del self.functions[metadata_id] def __complete(self, thread, data): msg = 'Updated {} function(s)\n'.format(self.updated) idaapi.execute_ui_requests((FIRSTUI.Requests.Print(msg),)) # If functions are still in the queue, this means the metadata # was deleted on the server remove the id from it for function in self.functions.values(): = None
class Hook(): @staticmethod def function_rptcmt(is_preprocess=True): '''Handler for creating function repeatable comments (UI Hook). Args: is_preprocess (:obj:`bool`, optional): True if called during preprocess, False when called during postprocess. ''' function = FIRST.Metadata.get_function(IDAW.ScreenEA()) if not function: return if is_preprocess: function.snapshot() else: function.update_comment() @staticmethod def function_named(is_preprocess=True): '''Handler for when labels are changed (UI Hook). Args: is_preprocess (:obj:`bool`, optional): True if called during preprocess, False when called during postprocess. ''' function = FIRST.Metadata.get_function(IDAW.ScreenEA()) if not function: return if is_preprocess: function.snapshot() else: function.update_name() @staticmethod def function_settype(is_preprocess=True): '''Handler for when a function prototype is changed (UI Hook). Args: is_preprocess (:obj:`bool`, optional): True if called during preprocess, False when called during postprocess. ''' function = FIRST.Metadata.get_function(IDAW.ScreenEA()) if not function: return if is_preprocess: function.snapshot() else: function.update_prototype() @staticmethod def function_created(is_preprocess=True): '''Handler for when functions are created (UI Hook). Adds a new funciton to FIRST's function list. Args: is_preprocess (:obj:`bool`, optional): True if called during preprocess, False when called during postprocess. ''' if dict != type(FIRST.function_list): return # No action needed for preprocess if is_preprocess: return ea = IDAW.ScreenEA() # Ensure it is a function or was correctly created function = IDAW.get_func(ea) if not function: return # Calculate offset to function from segment function = FIRST.MetadataShim(ea) seg_offset = function.segment - IDAW.get_imagebase() if seg_offset not in FIRST.function_list: FIRST.function_list[seg_offset] = {} if function.offset in FIRST.function_list[seg_offset]: return msg = 'Adding {} (0x{0.address:x} to global list\n' idaapi.execute_ui_requests((FIRSTUI.Requests.Print(msg.format(function)),)) FIRST.function_list[seg_offset][function.offset] = function old_imagebase = None @staticmethod def function_rebase(is_preprocess=True): '''Handler for when the program is rebased in IDA (UI Hook). Args: is_preprocess (:obj:`bool`, optional): True if called during preprocess, False when called during postprocess. ''' if is_preprocess: FIRST.Hook.old_imagebase = IDAW.get_imagebase() return if FIRST.Hook.old_imagebase == IDAW.get_imagebase(): return for segment in FIRST.Metadata.get_segments_with_functions(): offset = segment.startEA - IDAW.get_imagebase() for metadata in FIRST.Metadata.get_segment_functions(segment): adjustment = IDAW.get_imagebase() - FIRST.Hook.old_imagebase metadata.address = metadata.address + adjustment class IDP(idaapi.IDP_Hooks): '''FIRST's IDP Hook. Initializes most of the FIRST plugin. Attributes: executed (:obj:`bool`): Flag to understand if the hook has fired or not. ''' executed = False def __init__(self): super(FIRST.Hook.IDP, self).__init__() def on_auto_queue_empty(self, arg): if (arg == 200) and (not FIRST.Hook.IDP.executed): FIRST.Hook.IDP.executed = True self.unhook() if self in FIRST.installed_hooks: i = FIRST.installed_hooks.index(self) del FIRST.installed_hooks[i] FIRST.Metadata.populate_function_list() # Get/Initialize the hash details for the file FIRST.Info.get_file_details() config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() if not FIRST.show_welcome = True config = None else: # Create connection to FIRST server FIRST.config = FIRST.Configuration(config) info = FIRST.Info.get_file_details() FIRST.server = FIRST.Server(FIRST.config, info['md5'], info['crc32'], h_sha1=info['sha1'], h_sha256=info['sha256']) FIRST.plugin_enabled = True if idaapi.get_kernel_version().startswith("7"): def ev_auto_queue_empty(self, arg): self.on_auto_queue_empty(arg) return super(self.__class__, self).ev_auto_queue_empty(arg) else: def auto_queue_empty(self, arg): self.on_auto_queue_empty(arg) return super(self.__class__, self).auto_queue_empty(arg) class UI(idaapi.UI_Hooks): '''FIRST's UI Hook. Sets UI change hooks and right click menu.''' def __init__(self): super(FIRST.Hook.UI, self).__init__() self.handlers_created = False self.action_names = [ 'first:get_func', 'first:get_all_func', 'first:upload_func', 'first:upload_all_func', 'first:update_funcs', 'first:view_history'] self.actions = None self.handlers = {'MakeRptCmt' : [FIRST.Hook.function_rptcmt], 'MakeName' : [FIRST.Hook.function_named], 'SetType' : [FIRST.Hook.function_settype], 'MakeFunction' : [FIRST.Hook.function_created], 'RebaseProgram' : [FIRST.Hook.function_rebase]} self.handler_action = '' def tform_visible(self, form, hwnd): '''Shows the FIRST Welcome dialog box if required.''' if ((IDAW.BWN_DISASMS == IDAW.get_tform_type(form)) and FIRST.show_welcome): parent = idaapi.PluginForm.FormToPyQtWidget(form) welcome_dialog = FIRSTUI.Dialog(parent, FIRSTUI.Welcome) welcome_dialog.registerSuccessCallback(FIRST.Callbacks.welcome) FIRST.show_welcome = False def finish_populating_tform_popup(self, form, popup): '''Initializes UI change hooks and enables right click menu.''' if None == FIRST.plugin: return if None == self.actions: self.actions = [ {'name' : self.action_names[0], 'text' : 'Check FIRST for this function', 'handler' : FIRST.plugin.check_function, 'shortcut' : None, 'tooltip' : ('See if metadata for this function' ' exists')}, {'name' : self.action_names[1], 'text' : 'Query FIRST for all function matches', 'handler' : FIRST.plugin.check_all_function, 'shortcut' : None, 'tooltip' : ('See if metadata for any defined ' 'function exists')}, {'name' : self.action_names[2], 'text' : 'Add this function to FIRST', 'handler' : FIRST.plugin.upload_func, 'shortcut' : None, 'tooltip' : 'Add this function to FIRST\'s database'}, {'name' : self.action_names[3], 'text' : 'Add multiple functions to FIRST', 'handler' : FIRST.plugin.upload_all_func, 'shortcut' : None, 'tooltip' : ('Add multiple functions to ' 'FIRST\'s database')}, {'name' : self.action_names[4], 'text' : 'Apply updated metadata from FIRST', 'handler' : FIRST.plugin.update_funcs, 'shortcut' : None, 'tooltip' : ('Any applied metadata will be updated ' 'from FIRST\'s database')}, {'name' : self.action_names[5], 'text' : 'View metadata history', 'handler' : FIRST.plugin.view_history, 'shortcut' : None, 'tooltip' : 'See how metadata has changed over time'}, ] if not self.handlers_created: self.init_actions() self.handlers_created = True tform_type = IDAW.get_tform_type(form) if IDAW.BWN_DISASMS == tform_type and FIRST.plugin_enabled: func = IDAW.get_func(IDAW.ScreenEA()) IDAW.attach_action_to_popup(form, popup, '') for name in self.action_names[:-1]: if ((type(func) != idaapi.func_t) and (self.action_names.index(name) in [0, 2])): continue IDAW.attach_action_to_popup(form, popup, name) if type(func) == idaapi.func_t: function = FIRST.Metadata.get_function(func.startEA) if function and IDAW.attach_action_to_popup(form, popup, self.action_names[-1]) def init_actions(self): '''Sets up action descriptors.''' global FIRST_ICON for action_item in self.actions: handler = FIRST.Hook.ActionHandler(action_item['handler']) action_desc = IDAW.action_desc_t(action_item['name'], action_item['text'], handler, action_item['shortcut'], action_item['tooltip'], FIRST_ICON) IDAW.register_action(action_desc) def preprocess(self, name): '''UI Hooks preprocessing call. Args: name (:obj:`str`): The action that will occur. ''' self.handler_action = name if self.handler_action in self.handlers: handlers = self.handlers[self.handler_action] for handler in handlers: handler(True) return 0 def postprocess(self): '''UI Hooks postprocessing call.''' if self.handler_action in self.handlers: handlers = self.handlers[self.handler_action] for handler in handlers: handler(False) return 0 def term(self): '''Removes all installed hooks.''' FIRST.cleanup_hooks() class ActionHandler(idaapi.action_handler_t): '''Action handler wrapper function. This function wraps callback functions with a class to prevent duplication of code. Args: fn (:obj:`function`): Function that will be used for callback. ''' def __init__(self, fn): idaapi.action_handler_t.__init__(self) self.fn = fn def activate(self, ctx): self.fn(ctx) return 1 def update(self, ctx): return IDAW.AST_ENABLE_ALWAYS
[docs]class FIRSTUI(object): ROLE_ID = 35 ROLE_COMMENT = 36 ROLE_ADDRESS = 37 ROLE_NAME = 38
[docs] class Requests(object):
[docs] class MsgBox(object): def __init__(self, title, msg, icon=QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Critical): self.title = title self.msg = msg self.icon = icon def __call__(self): msg_box = QtWidgets.QMessageBox() msg_box.setIcon(self.icon) msg_box.setWindowTitle(self.title) msg_box.setText(self.msg) msg_box.exec_() return False # Don't reschedule
[docs] class Print(object): def __init__(self, msg): self.msg = msg def __call__(self): IDAW.msg(self.msg) return False # Don't reschedule
[docs] class Callback(object): def __init__(self, func, **kwargs): self.func = func self.kwargs = kwargs def __call__(self): self.func(**self.kwargs) return False # Don't reschedule
class ScrollWidget(QtWidgets.QWidget): '''A scroll widget''' def __init__(self, parent=None, frame=QtWidgets.QFrame.Box): super(FIRSTUI.ScrollWidget, self).__init__() # Container Widget widget = QtWidgets.QWidget() # Layout of Container Widget self.layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(self) self.layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) widget.setLayout(self.layout) # Scroll Area Properties scroll = QtWidgets.QScrollArea() scroll.setFrameShape(frame) scroll.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOn) scroll.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) scroll.setWidgetResizable(True) scroll.setWidget(widget) # Scroll Area Layer add scroll_layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(self) scroll_layout.addWidget(scroll) scroll_layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.setLayout(scroll_layout) def addWidget(self, widget): self.layout.addWidget(widget) def addLayout(self, layout): self.layout.addLayout(layout)
[docs] class SharedObjects(object): #----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod def server_config_layout(obj, outer_layout, config=None): '''Server Configuration GUI components''' if not isinstance(config, FIRST.Configuration): config = None server_groupbox = QtWidgets.QGroupBox() server_groupbox.setTitle('Server Configuration') vbox = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(server_groupbox) grid_layout = QtWidgets.QGridLayout(server_groupbox) vbox.addLayout(grid_layout) obj.server = QtWidgets.QLineEdit() obj.port = QtWidgets.QLineEdit() obj.api_key = QtWidgets.QLineEdit() obj.protocol = QtWidgets.QComboBox() proto_options = ['http', 'https'] [obj.protocol.addItem(x.upper(), x) for x in proto_options] obj.verify = QtWidgets.QComboBox() options = ['No', 'Yes'] [obj.verify.addItem(x, x.lower()) for x in options] obj.kerberos = QtWidgets.QComboBox() [obj.kerberos.addItem(x, x.lower()) for x in options] obj.kerberos.setEnabled(HTTPKerberosAuth is not None) if config: obj.server = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(config.server) obj.port = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(str(config.port)) obj.protocol.setCurrentIndex(proto_options.index(config.protocol)) obj.verify.setCurrentIndex(int(config.verify)) obj.kerberos.setCurrentIndex(int(config.authentication)) obj.kerberos.setEnabled(HTTPKerberosAuth is not None) obj.api_key.setText(config.api_key) layout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() obj.server_message = QtWidgets.QLabel() layout.addWidget(obj.server_message) layout.addStretch() test_button = QtWidgets.QPushButton('Test') test_callback = lambda x: FIRSTUI.SharedObjects.test_connection(obj) test_button.clicked.connect(test_callback) layout.addWidget(test_button) vbox.addSpacing(20) vbox.addLayout(layout) grid_layout.addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel('Server'), 0, 0) grid_layout.addWidget(obj.server, 0, 1) grid_layout.addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel('Port'), 1, 0) grid_layout.addWidget(obj.port, 1, 1) grid_layout.addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel('Protocol'), 2, 0) grid_layout.addWidget(obj.protocol, 2, 1) grid_layout.addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel('Verify'), 3, 0) grid_layout.addWidget(obj.verify, 3, 1) grid_layout.addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel('Use Kerberos'), 4, 0) grid_layout.addWidget(obj.kerberos, 4, 1) grid_layout.addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel('API Key'), 5, 0) grid_layout.addWidget(obj.api_key, 5, 1) grid_layout.setColumnMinimumWidth(0, 75) grid_layout.setSpacing(10) grid_layout.setContentsMargins(10, 10, 10, 10) outer_layout.addWidget(server_groupbox)
[docs] @staticmethod def test_connection(obj): obj.server_message.setText('... testing connection ...') data = {'server' : obj.server.text()} thread = threading.Thread(target=FIRSTUI.SharedObjects._thread_test_connection, args=(obj,)) thread.daemon = True thread.start()
@staticmethod def _thread_test_connection(obj): info = FIRST.Info.get_file_details() config = FIRSTUI.SharedObjects.get_config(obj) if not re.match('^[\da-f]{8}-([\da-f]{4}-){3}[\da-f]{12}$', config.api_key.lower()): obj.server_message.setText('Valid API Key not provided') return server = FIRST.Server( FIRSTUI.SharedObjects.get_config(obj), info['md5'], info['crc32'], h_sha1=info['sha1'], h_sha256=info['sha256']) if not server.test_connection(): obj.server_message.setText('Failed to establish connection with server') else: obj.server_message.setText('Connected to FIRST server')
[docs] @staticmethod def get_config(obj): config = FIRST.Configuration(None) config.set_server(obj.server.text()) config.set_port(obj.port.text()) config.set_protocol(obj.protocol.currentText().lower()) config.set_verify(obj.verify.currentText().lower() == 'yes') config.set_authentication(obj.kerberos.currentText().lower() == 'yes') config.set_api_key(obj.api_key.text()) return config
# Check, CheckAll, and Management shared components #----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod def make_model_headers(model, full=True, check_all=True): ''' Set the model horizontal header data @param model: the QStandardItemModel which headers should be set When full is set to False this mean the headers are for the user to review metadata they've created. ''' center_align = ['Rank', 'Similarity', 'i', 'Matches'] headers = [ ('Function', 'function name'), ('Rank', 'number of times metadata has been applied'), ('Prototype', 'function prototype')] if full: full_headers = [headers[0]] if check_all: full_headers.append(('Matches', 'number of unique matches')) full_headers += [ headers[1], ('Similarity', 'percent of how similary the match is to the function'), headers[2], ('i', 'full prototype information'), ('Engines', 'engines that matched on this function'), ('i', 'detailed engine information'), ('User', 'creator of the metadata') ] headers = full_headers i = 0 for display_name, tooltip in headers: item_header = QtGui.QStandardItem(display_name) item_header.setToolTip(tooltip) if display_name in center_align: item_header.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) model.setHorizontalHeaderItem(i, item_header) i += 1
[docs] @staticmethod def make_match_info(match, full=True, check_all=True): ''' Build a tree item for a function_ea node (level-1) This is the function match information (name, prototype, rank) @param function_context: a dbFunction_Context object @return: QStandradItemModel item for the function context ''' # Add (name, <empty> rank, similarity, prototype, ., engines, ., user) row name = QtGui.QStandardItem( rank = QtGui.QStandardItem('-') if 'rank' in dir(match): rank = QtGui.QStandardItem(str(match.rank)) rank.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) prototype = QtGui.QStandardItem(match.prototype) prototype_tooltip = QtGui.QStandardItem('...') info = [name, rank, prototype] if full: engine_info = match.engine_info msg = '<p><b>{}</b><br/>{}</p>' tooltip = [msg.format(k,v) for k,v in engine_info.iteritems()] tooltip = '<hr style="margin:1px"/>'.join(tooltip) prototype_tooltip.setToolTip(match.prototype) prototype_tooltip.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) similarity = QtGui.QStandardItem(str(round(match.similarity, 2)) + '%') similarity.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) engines = QtGui.QStandardItem(', '.join(engine_info.keys())) engines_tooltip = QtGui.QStandardItem('...') engines_tooltip.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) engines_tooltip.setToolTip(tooltip) creator = QtGui.QStandardItem(match.creator) info = [name] if check_all: info += [QtGui.QStandardItem()] info += [ rank, similarity, prototype, prototype_tooltip, engines, engines_tooltip, creator] # Add row: # Comment: # (comment) comment = match.comment if not comment: comment = '- No Comment -' comment = QtGui.QStandardItem('Comment:\n' + comment) comment.setColumnCount(8) comment.setData(True, role=FIRSTUI.ROLE_COMMENT) comment_list = [comment] + \ [QtGui.QStandardItem() for i in range(len(info)-1)] info[0].appendRow(comment_list) # Mark all items noneditable and add id associated with the match for item in info + comment_list: item.setEditable(False) item.setData(, role=FIRSTUI.ROLE_ID) item.setData(match.address, role=FIRSTUI.ROLE_ADDRESS) return info
[docs] class Generic(object): def __init__(self): self.should_show = True
[docs] def get_server_thread(self): return None
[docs] def setupUi(self, dialog): self.dialog = dialog self.init_window() sizePolicy = QtWidgets.QSizePolicy(QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Preferred, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Expanding) sizePolicy.setHorizontalStretch(0) sizePolicy.setVerticalStretch(2) self.msg = QtWidgets.QLabel('') # top_layout #------------------------------ self.top_layout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.init_top_layout() # table_layout #------------------------------ self.data_layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() self.data_layout.setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0) self.data_layout.setSpacing(0) self.init_data_layout() # mid_layout #------------------------------ self.middle_layout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.init_middle_layout() # bottom_layout #------------------------------ self.apply_button = QtWidgets.QPushButton('Apply') self.apply_button.setFixedWidth(100) self.cancel_button = QtWidgets.QPushButton('Cancel') self.cancel_button.setFixedWidth(100) self.bottom_layout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.bottom_layout.addWidget(self.msg) self.bottom_layout.addWidget(self.apply_button) self.bottom_layout.addWidget(self.cancel_button) self.bottom_layout.setContentsMargins(0, 20, 0, 10) self.init_bottom_layout() # Vertical Layout #------------------------------ self.vbox_outer = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(dialog) self.vbox_outer.setObjectName('vbox_outer') self.vbox_outer.addLayout(self.top_layout) self.vbox_outer.addLayout(self.data_layout) self.vbox_outer.addLayout(self.middle_layout) self.vbox_outer.addLayout(self.bottom_layout) # Signal Handling #------------------------------ self.init_signals()
[docs] def init_window(self): self.dialog.setWindowTitle('FIRST Dialog') self.dialog.setWindowIcon(get_first_icon()) self.dialog.resize(732, 387)
[docs] def init_top_layout(self): pass
[docs] def init_middle_layout(self): pass
[docs] def init_bottom_layout(self): pass
[docs] def init_signals(self): self.apply_button.clicked.connect(self.dialog.ok_button_callback) self.cancel_button.clicked.connect(self.dialog.reject)
[docs] def init_data_layout(self): pass
[docs] class UploadAll(Generic):
[docs] def init_window(self): self.dialog.setWindowTitle('FIRST: Mass Function Prototype Upload') self.dialog.setWindowIcon(get_first_icon()) self.dialog.resize(600, 450)
[docs] def init_top_layout(self): title = QtWidgets.QLabel('Mass Function Upload') title.setStyleSheet('font: 16pt;') description = QtWidgets.QLabel(( 'Upload function prototype to server for others to access.\n' 'Select the functions you want to upload. Click to select a ' 'function and click again to deselect the function. Once ' 'uploaded you can manage prototypes you\'ve created in the ' 'management window.')) description.setWordWrap(True) description.setLineWidth(200) description.setStyleSheet('text-size: 90%') vbox_text = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() vbox_text.addWidget(title) vbox_text.addWidget(description) vbox_legend = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() grid_legend = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() style = 'background-color: #{0:06x}; border: 1px solid #c0c0c0;' colors = [ FIRST.color_changed, FIRST.color_unchanged, FIRST.color_default, FIRST.color_selected] text = ['Changed', 'Unchanged', 'Default', 'Selected'] for i in xrange(len(colors)): box = QtWidgets.QLabel() box.setFixedHeight(10) box.setFixedWidth(10) box.setStyleSheet(style.format(colors[i].color().rgb() & 0xFFFFFF)) grid_legend.addWidget(box, i, 0) grid_legend.addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel(text[i]), i, 1) vbox_legend.addLayout(grid_legend) vbox_legend.setAlignment(Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignBottom) self.top_layout.addLayout(vbox_text) self.top_layout.addStretch() self.top_layout.addLayout(vbox_legend)
[docs] def init_data_layout(self): header = ['Address', 'Name', 'Prototype', 'Comment'] self.table_views = [] self.data_models = [] self.total_functions = 0 segment_str = '0x{0.startEA:08x}-0x{0.endEA:08x}: Name "{1}"' if not FIRST.Info.is_32bit(): segment_str = segment_str.replace(':08x}', ':016x}') # Cycle through segments segments = FIRST.Metadata.get_segments_with_functions() if not segments: msg_box = QtWidgets.QMessageBox() msg_box.setIcon(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Critical) msg_box.setWindowTitle('Unable to derive functions') msg_box.setText(('Cannot upload function. FIRST cannot ' 'find any functions')) self.should_show = False return self.scroll_layout = FIRSTUI.ScrollWidget() idaapi.show_wait_box('Getting all defined functions...') try: first_segment = True for segment in segments: segment_name = IDAW.SegName(segment.startEA) segment_info = segment_str.format(segment, segment_name) segment_label = QtWidgets.QLabel(segment_info) segment_label.setContentsMargins(10, 5, 0, 5) func_db = FIRST.Metadata.get_segment_functions(segment) self.total_functions += len(func_db) if idaapi.wasBreak(): raise FIRST.Error('canceled') data_model = FIRST.Model.Upload(header, func_db) table_view = QtWidgets.QTableView() table_view.setModel(data_model) table_view.setSortingEnabled(False) table_view.setSelectionMode(QtWidgets.QAbstractItemView.NoSelection) table_view.setAlternatingRowColors(False) table_view.setShowGrid(False) hdr = table_view.verticalHeader() hdr.setHighlightSections(False) hdr.setDefaultSectionSize(hdr.minimumSectionSize()) hdr.hide() hdr = table_view.horizontalHeader() hdr.setHighlightSections(False) hdr.setDefaultAlignment(Qt.AlignLeft) hdr.setStretchLastSection(True) table_view.resizeColumnsToContents() table_view.setColumnWidth(0, table_view.columnWidth(0) + 10) table_view.setColumnWidth(1, table_view.columnWidth(1) + 10) table_view.setColumnWidth(2, table_view.columnWidth(2) + 10) self.table_views.append(table_view) self.data_models.append(data_model) if not first_segment: self.data_layout.addSpacing(5) first_segment = False self.scroll_layout.addWidget(segment_label) self.scroll_layout.addWidget(table_view) if idaapi.wasBreak(): raise FIRST.Error('canceled') except FIRST.Error as e: if 'canceled' == e.value: self.should_show = False finally: idaapi.hide_wait_box() self.data_layout.addWidget(self.scroll_layout)
[docs] def init_middle_layout(self): if not self.should_show: return vbox = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() self.select_all = QtWidgets.QCheckBox('Select All ') self.filter_sub_funcs = QtWidgets.QCheckBox('Filter Out "sub_" functions ') vbox.addWidget(self.filter_sub_funcs) vbox.addWidget(self.select_all) format_str = '{} functions'.format(self.total_functions) self.function_number = QtWidgets.QLabel(format_str) self.function_number.setAlignment(Qt.AlignTop) self.middle_layout.addWidget(self.function_number) self.middle_layout.addStretch() self.middle_layout.addLayout(vbox)
[docs] def init_bottom_layout(self): self.apply_button.setText('Upload')
[docs] def init_signals(self): super(FIRSTUI.UploadAll, self).init_signals() self.select_all.stateChanged.connect(self.select_all_callback) self.filter_sub_funcs.stateChanged.connect(self.filter_sub_callback) callback = lambda y, z: lambda x: self.table_clicked(x, y, z) for i in xrange(len(self.table_views)): table_view = self.table_views[i] data_model = self.data_models[i] table_view.clicked.connect(callback(table_view, data_model))
[docs] def filter_sub_callback(self, value): self.total_functions = 0 for data_model in self.data_models: data_model.filter_sub_functions(self.filter_sub_funcs.isChecked()) self.total_functions += data_model.rowCount() format_str = '{} functions' if self.filter_sub_funcs.isChecked(): format_str = '{} filtered functions' self.function_number.setText(format_str.format(self.total_functions)) if self.select_all.isChecked(): self.select_all.setChecked(False)
[docs] def select_all_callback(self, value): for data_model in self.data_models: data_model.select_all(self.select_all.isChecked()) for table_view in self.table_views: table_view.reset()
[docs] def table_clicked(self, index, table_view, data_model): # If select all is selected then the user is trying to exclude some # prototypes if self.select_all.isChecked(): # Disconnect checkbox signal to prevent reentry self.select_all.stateChanged.disconnect(self.select_all_callback) self.select_all.setChecked(False) self.select_all.stateChanged.connect(self.select_all_callback) data_model.set_row_selected(index.row()) table_view.reset()
[docs] def get_selected_data(self): metadata = [] for data_model in self.data_models: metadata += data_model.get_selected_data() return metadata
[docs] class Upload(Generic):
[docs] def init_top_layout(self): self.dialog.setWindowTitle('FIRST: Function Prototype Upload') self.dialog.setWindowIcon(get_first_icon()) self.dialog.resize(600, 250)
[docs] def init_data_layout(self): function = IDAW.get_func(IDAW.ScreenEA()) if not function: msg_box = QtWidgets.QMessageBox() msg_box.setIcon(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Critical) msg_box.setWindowTitle('FIRST: No Function Selected') msg_box.setText('No address was selected in the IDA View. ' 'Please select a function and try again.') self.should_show = False return self.metadata = FIRST.Metadata.get_function(function.startEA) if not self.metadata: temp_str = 'Unable to retrieve function at 0x{0:x}' raise FIRST.Error(temp_str.format(IDAW.ScreenEA())) data = [('Name:',, QtWidgets.QLineEdit), ('Prototype:', self.metadata.prototype, QtWidgets.QLineEdit), ('Comments:', self.metadata.comment, QtWidgets.QPlainTextEdit)] hdr_font = lambda x : 'font: {0}pt;'.format(x) title = QtWidgets.QLabel('Function Upload') title.setStyleSheet(hdr_font(16)) description = QtWidgets.QLabel(( 'Upload function prototype to server for others to access.\n' 'Review the data below before uploading. If the metadata needs ' 'updating, then close window and modify the function metadata ' 'in IDA. Once uploaded you can manage prototypes you\'ve created ' 'in the management window.')) description.setWordWrap(True) description.setStyleSheet('text-size: 90%') l_metadata = QtWidgets.QLabel('Metadata') l_metadata.setStyleSheet(hdr_font(14)) vbox_metadata = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() vbox_metadata.setContentsMargins(10, 0, 0, 0) for label, content, gui_component in data: hbox = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() hbox.setAlignment(Qt.AlignTop) label = QtWidgets.QLabel(label) label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignRight) label.setFixedWidth(80) label.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 5, 0) label.setStyleSheet(hdr_font(10)) value = gui_component(content) value.setReadOnly(True) value.setStyleSheet(hdr_font(10)) if isinstance(value, QtWidgets.QPlainTextEdit): value.setFixedHeight(90) hbox.addWidget(label) hbox.addWidget(value) vbox_metadata.addLayout(hbox) vbox_text = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() vbox_text.addWidget(title) vbox_text.addWidget(description) vbox_text.addSpacing(10) vbox_text.addWidget(l_metadata) vbox_text.addLayout(vbox_metadata) self.top_layout.addLayout(vbox_text)
[docs] def init_middle_layout(self): pass
[docs] def init_bottom_layout(self): self.apply_button.setText('Upload')
[docs] def init_signals(self): super(FIRSTUI.Upload, self).init_signals()
[docs] class CheckAll(Generic): '''Check all docs'''
[docs] def get_server_thread(self): try: return self._server_thread except: return None
[docs] def init_window(self): self.dialog.setWindowTitle('FIRST: Check for Function Prototypes') self.dialog.setWindowIcon(get_first_icon()) self.dialog.resize(750, 400)
[docs] def init_top_layout(self): title = QtWidgets.QLabel('Check All Functions') title.setStyleSheet('font: 16pt;') description = QtWidgets.QLabel(( 'Query FIRST\'s server for function metadata.\n' 'If a function within this IDB matches a signature found in ' 'FIRST then it and its metadata will be available for you to ' 'select below to apply to your IDB. Select the function you ' 'wish to apply existing metadata to in order to view the ' 'possible matches.')) description.setWordWrap(True) description.setStyleSheet('text-size: 90%') vbox_text = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() vbox_text.addWidget(title) vbox_text.addWidget(description) widget = QtWidgets.QWidget() widget.setFixedWidth(100) vbox_legend = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(widget) grid_legend = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() style = 'background-color: #{0:06x}; border: 1px solid #c0c0c0;' colors = [FIRST.color_applied, FIRST.color_selected] text = ['Applied', 'Selected'] for i in xrange(len(colors)): box = QtWidgets.QLabel() box.setFixedHeight(10) box.setFixedWidth(10) box.setStyleSheet(style.format(colors[i].color().rgb() & 0xFFFFFF)) grid_legend.addWidget(box, i, 0) grid_legend.addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel(text[i]), i, 1) vbox_legend.addLayout(grid_legend) vbox_legend.setAlignment(Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignBottom) vbox_legend.setContentsMargins(20, 0, 0, 0) self.top_layout.addLayout(vbox_text) self.top_layout.addWidget(widget)
[docs] def init_data_layout(self): self.groups = {} idaapi.show_wait_box('Checking FIRST for all functions') functions = FIRST.Metadata.get_non_jmp_wrapped_functions() metadata = set([FIRST.Metadata.get_function(x) for x in functions]) if None in metadata: metadata.remove(None) metadata = list(metadata) if not len(metadata): idaapi.hide_wait_box() title = 'Unable to derive functions' msg = 'FIRST cannot find any functions' idaapi.execute_ui_requests((FIRSTUI.Requests.MsgBox(title, msg),)) self.should_show = False return # Initiailize data model with no data to prevent the same # data from being added twice self.data_model = FIRST.Model.Check(self.groups) self._model_builder(self.data_model, self.groups, True) server_thread = FIRST.server.scan( metadata, self.__data_callback, self._complete_callback) self._server_thread = server_thread idaapi.hide_wait_box() tree_view = FIRST.Model.TreeView() tree_view.setUniformRowHeights(False) tree_view.setExpandsOnDoubleClick(False) tree_view.setIndentation(15) tree_view.setSelectionBehavior(QtWidgets.QAbstractItemView.SelectRows) tree_view.setSelectionMode(QtWidgets.QAbstractItemView.NoSelection) tree_view.setModel(self.data_model) tree_view.setColumnWidth(0, 175) # Function tree_view.setColumnWidth(1, 55) # Matches tree_view.setColumnWidth(2, 35) # Rank tree_view.setColumnWidth(3, 75) # Similarity tree_view.setColumnWidth(4, 150) # Prototype tree_view.setColumnWidth(5, 20) # i tree_view.setColumnWidth(7, 20) # i self.tree_view = tree_view self.data_layout.addWidget(self.tree_view) self.timer_i = 0 self.timer = QtCore.QTimer() self.timer.timeout.connect(self._searching_text) self.timer.start(750)
def _searching_text(self): # Provide user with update if thread is still working self.timer_i = (self.timer_i + 1) % 4 self.msg.setText('Searching FIRST' + ('.' * self.timer_i)) def __data_callback(self, thread, data): if data and len(data): self.groups.update(data) self._model_builder(self.data_model, data) message = self.found_format.format(len(self.groups)) self.found_label.setText(message) self.filter_only_subs() def _complete_callback(self, thread, data): self.timer.stop() FIRST.server.remove_operation(thread) # Alert the user if no matches were found in FIRST if not self.groups: self.msg.setText('No matches found in FIRST\'s database') return self.msg.setText('Finished searching FIRST') def _make_function_item(self, function, matches): ''' Top level function information (level-0) ''' #if not isinstance(function, FIRST.MetadataShim): if not {'name', 'address'}.issubset(dir(function)): return QtGui.QStandardItem('-') label = '0x{0.address:08x} - {}' if not FIRST.Info.is_32bit(): label = label.replace(':08x}', ':016x}') function_label = QtGui.QStandardItem(label.format(function)) function_label.setToolTip( function_label.setData(function.address, role=FIRSTUI.ROLE_ADDRESS) function_label.setData(, role=FIRSTUI.ROLE_NAME) if 999999 < matches: matches = '{}M'.format(round(matches / 1000000.0, 1)) elif 999 < matches: matches = '{}K'.format(round(matches / 1000.0, 1)) else: matches = str(matches) matches = QtGui.QStandardItem(matches) matches.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) row = [function_label, matches] + \ [QtGui.QStandardItem() for i in range(7)] [x.setEditable(False) for x in row] return row def _model_builder(self, model, data, initialize=False): ''' Build the function model. @param model: QStandardItemModel object ''' if initialize: model.clear() # Clear the model FIRSTUI.SharedObjects.make_model_headers(model) if not data: return model.add_data(data) # Add db functions to the model root_node = model.invisibleRootItem() for address, matches in data.iteritems(): function = FIRST.Metadata.get_function(address) func_row = self._make_function_item(function, len(matches)) root_node.appendRow(func_row) for match in matches: info_list = FIRSTUI.SharedObjects.make_match_info(match) func_row[0].appendRow(info_list)
[docs] def init_middle_layout(self): found = len(self.groups) total = len(FIRST.Metadata.get_non_jmp_wrapped_functions()) s = 's' if 1 != total else '' label = 'Matched {0} out of {1} function{2}' self.select_highest_ranked = QtWidgets.QCheckBox('Select Highest Ranked ') self.filter_sub_funcs_only = QtWidgets.QCheckBox('Show only "sub_" functions') vbox = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() vbox.addWidget(self.filter_sub_funcs_only) vbox.addWidget(self.select_highest_ranked) self.found_format = label.format('{}', total, s) self.found_label = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.found_format.format(found)) self.found_label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignTop) self.middle_layout.addWidget(self.found_label) self.middle_layout.addStretch() self.middle_layout.addLayout(vbox)
[docs] def init_bottom_layout(self): pass
[docs] def init_signals(self): if not self.should_show: return super(FIRSTUI.CheckAll, self).init_signals() self.select_highest_ranked.stateChanged.connect(self.select_highest) self.filter_sub_funcs_only.stateChanged.connect(self.filter_only_subs) self.tree_view.clicked.connect(self.tree_clicked) # A reference is needed to the dialog or else it closes quickly # after showing self.history_dialogs = [] self.tree_view.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.CustomContextMenu) self.tree_view.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.custom_menu)
[docs] def custom_menu(self, point): index = self.tree_view.indexAt(point) address = if not address: return menu = QtWidgets.QMenu(self.tree_view) goto_action = QtWidgets.QAction('&Go to Function', self.tree_view) goto_action.triggered.connect(lambda:IDAW.Jump(address)) menu.addAction(goto_action) metadata_id = if metadata_id: history_action = QtWidgets.QAction('View &History', self.tree_view) history_action.triggered.connect(lambda:self.metadata_history(metadata_id)) menu.addAction(history_action) menu.exec_(QtGui.QCursor.pos())
[docs] def metadata_history(self, metadata_id): dialog = FIRSTUI.Dialog(None, FIRSTUI.History, metadata_id=metadata_id) # Keep a reference to the dialog so it doesn't hide before the # user is done with it self.history_dialogs.append(dialog)
[docs] def tree_clicked(self, index): # If select all is selected then the user is trying to exclude some # metadata if self.select_highest_ranked.isChecked(): # Disconnect checkbox signal to prevent reentry self.select_highest_ranked.stateChanged.disconnect(self.select_highest) self.select_highest_ranked.setChecked(False) self.select_highest_ranked.stateChanged.connect(self.select_highest) data_id = address = if data_id and address: self.data_model.set_id_selected((address, data_id)) self.tree_view.clearFocus()
[docs] def get_groups(self): return self.groups
[docs] def select_highest(self): flag = self.select_highest_ranked.isChecked() # Get list of hidden addresses hidden = [] if flag and self.filter_sub_funcs_only.isChecked(): root = self.data_model.invisibleRootItem() for i in xrange(root.rowCount()): child = root.child(i) if child and self.tree_view.isIndexHidden(child.index()): hidden.append( self.data_model.select_highest_ranked(flag, hidden) self.tree_view.setFocus()
[docs] def filter_only_subs(self): flag = self.filter_sub_funcs_only.isChecked() hidden = [] root = self.data_model.invisibleRootItem() for i in xrange(root.rowCount()): child = root.child(i) if not child: continue name = if not name: continue hide = not name.startswith('sub_') self.tree_view.setRowHidden(i, root.index(), flag and hide) if flag and hide: hidden.append( if hidden: self.data_model.unselect_group(hidden)
[docs] class Check(CheckAll):
[docs] def init_window(self): super(FIRSTUI.Check, self).init_window() self.dialog.setWindowTitle('FIRST: Check for Function Prototype')
[docs] def init_top_layout(self): title = QtWidgets.QLabel('Check Function') title.setStyleSheet('font: 16pt;') description = QtWidgets.QLabel(( 'Query FIRST\'s server for function metadata.\n' 'If a function within this IDB matches a signature found in ' 'FIRST then it and its metadata will be available for you to ' 'select below to apply to your IDB. Click to select a ' 'function\'s metadata and click again to deselect it.')) description.setWordWrap(True) description.setStyleSheet('text-size: 90%') vbox_text = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() vbox_text.addWidget(title) vbox_text.addWidget(description) widget = QtWidgets.QWidget() widget.setFixedWidth(100) vbox_legend = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(widget) grid_legend = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() style = 'background-color: #{0:06x}; border: 1px solid #c0c0c0;' colors = [FIRST.color_applied, FIRST.color_selected] text = ['Applied', 'Selected'] for i in xrange(len(colors)): box = QtWidgets.QLabel() box.setFixedHeight(10) box.setFixedWidth(10) box.setStyleSheet(style.format(colors[i].color().rgb() & 0xFFFFFF)) grid_legend.addWidget(box, i, 0) grid_legend.addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel(text[i]), i, 1) vbox_legend.addLayout(grid_legend) vbox_legend.setAlignment(Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignBottom) vbox_legend.setContentsMargins(20, 0, 0, 0) self.top_layout.addLayout(vbox_text) self.top_layout.addWidget(widget)
def __data_callback(self, thread, data): if data and len(data): self.groups.update(data) self.data_model.add_data(data) self._model_builder(self.data_model)
[docs] def init_data_layout(self): function = IDAW.get_func(IDAW.ScreenEA()) if not function: title = 'FIRST: No Function Selected' msg = ('No address was selected in the IDA View. ' 'Please select a function and try again.') idaapi.execute_ui_requests((FIRSTUI.Requests.MsgBox(title, msg),)) self.should_show = False return self.metadata = FIRST.Metadata.get_function(function.startEA) if not self.metadata: title = 'FIRST: Could not load function' msg = ('FIRST is unable to get the function\'s ' 'metadata. Please select a function and try again.') idaapi.execute_ui_requests((FIRSTUI.Requests.MsgBox(title, msg),)) self.should_show = False return self.groups = {} idaapi.show_wait_box('Checking FIRST for matches') # Initiailize data model with no data to prevent the same # data from being added twice self.data_model = FIRST.Model.Check(self.groups) self._model_builder(self.data_model) server_thread = FIRST.server.scan( [self.metadata], self.__data_callback, self._complete_callback) self._server_thread = server_thread idaapi.hide_wait_box() tree_view = FIRST.Model.TreeView() tree_view.setUniformRowHeights(False) tree_view.setExpandsOnDoubleClick(False) tree_view.setIndentation(15) tree_view.setSelectionBehavior(QtWidgets.QAbstractItemView.SelectRows) tree_view.setSelectionMode(QtWidgets.QAbstractItemView.NoSelection) tree_view.setModel(self.data_model) tree_view.setColumnWidth(0, 200) # Function tree_view.setColumnWidth(1, 40) # Rank tree_view.setColumnWidth(2, 75) # Similarity tree_view.setColumnWidth(3, 150) # Prototype tree_view.setColumnWidth(4, 20) # i tree_view.setColumnWidth(6, 20) # i self.tree_view = tree_view self.data_layout.addWidget(self.tree_view) self.timer_i = 0 self.timer = QtCore.QTimer() self.timer.timeout.connect(self._searching_text) self.timer.start(750)
def _model_builder(self, model): model.clear() root_node = model.invisibleRootItem() FIRSTUI.SharedObjects.make_model_headers(model, check_all=False) matches = self.get_groups() if not matches: return address = matches.keys()[0] for match in matches[address]: row = FIRSTUI.SharedObjects.make_match_info(match, check_all=False) root_node.appendRow(row)
[docs] def init_middle_layout(self): pass
[docs] def init_signals(self): if self.should_show: super(FIRSTUI.CheckAll, self).init_signals() self.tree_view.clicked.connect(self.tree_clicked) # A reference is needed to the dialog or else it closes quickly # after showing self.history_dialogs = [] self.tree_view.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.CustomContextMenu) self.tree_view.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.custom_menu)
[docs] def tree_clicked(self, index): data_id = address = if data_id and address: self.data_model.set_id_selected((address, data_id)) self.tree_view.clearFocus()
[docs] class History(Generic): def __init__(self, metadata_id): self.should_show = True self.metadata_id = metadata_id
[docs] def init_window(self): self.dialog.setWindowTitle('FIRST: Metadata Revision History') self.dialog.setWindowIcon(get_first_icon()) self.dialog.resize(600, 400)
[docs] def utc_to_local(self, utc_str): if not utc_str: return None utc_dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(utc_str[:26], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f') timestamp = calendar.timegm(utc_dt.timetuple()) local = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp) return local.replace(microsecond=utc_dt.microsecond)
[docs] def init_top_layout(self): history = FIRST.server.history(self.metadata_id) if (not history or ('results' not in history) or (self.metadata_id not in history['results']) or ('creator' not in history['results'][self.metadata_id]) or ('history' not in history['results'][self.metadata_id])): self.should_show = False return self.creator = history['results'][self.metadata_id]['creator'] self.history = history['results'][self.metadata_id]['history'] title = QtWidgets.QLabel('Revision History') title.setStyleSheet('font: 16pt;') creator = QtWidgets.QLabel('by: <b>{}</b>'.format(self.creator)) creator.setAlignment(Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignBottom) self.top_layout.addWidget(title) self.top_layout.addStretch() self.top_layout.addWidget(creator)
[docs] def init_data_layout(self): if not self.should_show: return vbox_text = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() scroll_layout = FIRSTUI.ScrollWidget(frame=QtWidgets.QFrame.NoFrame) scroll_layout.addLayout(vbox_text) first_record = True cmp_func = lambda x,y: cmp( self.utc_to_local(y['committed']), self.utc_to_local(x['committed'])) for details in sorted(self.history, cmp_func): if not first_record: hr = QtWidgets.QFrame() hr.setFrameShape(QtWidgets.QFrame.HLine) hr.setFrameShadow(QtWidgets.QFrame.Sunken) vbox_text.addWidget(hr) hbox = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() local = self.utc_to_local(details['committed']) vbox = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() vbox.setContentsMargins(0, 5, 0, 0) local_str = 'N/A' if local: local_str = datetime.datetime.strftime(local, '%B %d, %Y\n%I:%M:%S %p') timestamp = QtWidgets.QLabel(local_str) timestamp.setFixedWidth(125) timestamp.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter | Qt.AlignVCenter) vbox.addWidget(timestamp) hbox.addLayout(vbox) # Second Column vbox = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() vbox.setContentsMargins(0, 5, 0, 5) for label in ['Name', 'Prototype', 'Comment']: l = QtWidgets.QLabel('<b>{}</b>'.format(label)) l.setFixedWidth(75) l.setAlignment(Qt.AlignRight) vbox.addWidget(l) vbox.addStretch() vbox.setAlignment(Qt.AlignTop) hbox.addLayout(vbox) # Third Column vbox = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() vbox.setContentsMargins(0, 5, 0, 5) comment = QtWidgets.QLabel(details['comment']) if not details['comment']: comment = QtWidgets.QLabel('- No Comment -') comment.setWordWrap(True) vbox.addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel(details['name'])) vbox.addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel(details['prototype'])) vbox.addWidget(comment) vbox.addStretch() hbox.addLayout(vbox) vbox_text.addLayout(hbox) first_record = False self.data_layout.addSpacing(5) self.data_layout.addWidget(scroll_layout)
[docs] def init_middle_layout(self): vbox = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() vbox.addStretch() self.middle_layout.addLayout(vbox)
[docs] def init_bottom_layout(self): self.bottom_layout.removeWidget(self.apply_button) self.cancel_button.setText('Close')
[docs] def init_signals(self): super(FIRSTUI.History, self).init_signals()
# GUI Shown to user when first installed #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class Welcome(Generic):
[docs] def init_window(self): super(FIRSTUI.Welcome, self).init_window() self.dialog.setWindowTitle('FIRST') self.dialog.resize(375, 400)
[docs] def init_top_layout(self): vbox = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() label = QtWidgets.QLabel('FIRST') label.setStyleSheet('font: 40px;') vbox.addWidget(label) label = QtWidgets.QLabel('Function Identification and Recovery Signature Tool') label.setStyleSheet('font: 12px;') vbox.addWidget(label) self.top_layout.addLayout(vbox) self.top_layout.addSpacing(10)
[docs] def init_data_layout(self): FIRSTUI.SharedObjects.server_config_layout(self, self.data_layout)
[docs] def init_middle_layout(self): #self.check_on_startup = QtWidgets.QCheckBox("Check FIRST on IDA startup") #self.middle_layout.addWidget(self.check_on_startup) self.middle_layout.addStretch()
[docs] def init_signals(self): super(FIRSTUI.Welcome, self).init_signals()
[docs] def show(self): super(FIRSTUI.Welcome, self).show()
# Class to interface with Dialog GUIs and the back end data #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Dialog(QtWidgets.QDialog): error_format = '<font color="#ff0000">{0}</font>' def __init__(self, parent, dialog, **kwargs): super(FIRSTUI.Dialog, self).__init__(parent) self.parent = parent = None self.ui = dialog(**kwargs) self.ui.setupUi(self) self.should_show = self.ui.should_show self.accepted.connect(self.success_callback) self.rejected.connect(self.reject_callback) self.setWindowFlags(self.windowFlags() & ~Qt.WindowContextHelpButtonHint) self.hide_attempts = 0 self.timer = QtCore.QTimer() self.timer.timeout.connect(self.__hide) self.timer.start(500) def registerSuccessCallback(self, fn): self.callback_fn = fn def success_callback(self): if self.callback_fn != None: self.callback_fn(self.ui) def ok_button_callback(self): if self.reject_accept(): return self._stop_server_thread() self.accept() def reject_accept(self): return False def reject_callback(self): self._stop_server_thread() self.close() def _stop_server_thread(self): server_thread = self.ui.get_server_thread() if server_thread and (threading.Thread == type(server_thread)): if server_thread.is_alive(): FIRST.server.stop_operation(server_thread) def show(self): if self.should_show: super(type(self), self).show() def __hide(self): if not self.ui.should_show: self.hide() # Check for up to 5 seconds whether the dialog needs to be # closed or not self.hide_attempts += 1 if self.hide_attempts > 10: self.timer.stop()
# Create FIRST icon def get_first_icon(return_hex=False, return_pixmap=False): first_icon = ( '89504e470d0a1a0a0000000d49484452000000700000008708030000' '00f9a92dd80000001974455874536f6674776172650041646f626520' '496d616765526561647971c9653c0000005d504c54458a8a84b7b6b3' 'eaeae9d8d8d6b1b1ad797872d6d5d4c1c1be6d6c66a2a19d8d8d87e2' 'e2e0acaca86e6d67c5c4c2f5f5f4e0e0decbcbc9989792cececc8382' '7da7a7a394938e81807aecebebf5f5f5777670bbbab79e9d9964635c' 'ffffffe54bab180000001f74524e53ffffffffffffffffffffffffff' 'ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff00cd1976100000026f4944' '415478daecdae9b2822014006050cca55cd2b4ac8befff9837771445' '30619ae69c5f05d1172207704295e140000208e0f78311a5288fcec6' 'c0b7d706ca5ff6433f38785ddc0b924d7b8b2f4dc50de3aaaa5fe226' '98fa3a6eef0a4b069c7b4d78a368f96cc58d8a42068c969bdefbfa2b' '550809305b6bdb5f2d7a2c78f6c4a09a474f5be0baf76cc72f3c165c' 'f768dbc65fa8b90d77d354919816028ffed51f88fb777efda5316e7c' '773728f22861ef50779c71a953ed053391d782ed7ca7c1f20f560489' '78f8edfa3369fb1aaf0c890a58222a0106f32bba1b145fce39f8710f' '1fc5f68c6267852306ad0db0241e9504fb3ce37f003ea4b80e4cfa77' '81b5043adb60f92799a3bac522180a2ef12eb0904d8a5d93135384f7' '804811eca77e132136004e44ea5cb581f9d0e4eab0e5a92e90b05b28' 'b6c25703f33d6015b3cba2ab04925de07b428ef3233402be8772d86c' '5ce799263902ccb82f491ceebe9148ded2a0cde795d37c4f2303a20f' 'c03ecf0d6b47ac1bc433d0e2069507ef3a4057004ece2b05b1ed4801' '4c675baa4405bcbfcefc4f6062e194187713e332bf8bdcad31447956' '2ef6993fca2c74701cb2d3eaba253a3dc98256c0651a571f68e17461' '1dd600ba82a38c1630e1ca438b5fb6fc032fe9fc44ef24955ef0322d' '9dee16758093410cddc5cc7328c80ca2835752dd98093e00fb872671' 'd06d10717cd493a88d5de2f18fbe000410400001041040007f007c98' '066d00010410c0df035fa6410220805f0ffe99061180bf0a7aa641aa' '0df44c8314400015c1d234680308e0d7839969900008e0d783b96910' '0108e051e0531758c8fe35f128f0fc9cf40bb55144952e50530008a0' '72fc0b3000d4bbb97bf44864540000000049454e44ae426082') if return_hex: return first_icon image = QtGui.QImage() image.loadFromData(QtCore.QByteArray.fromHex(first_icon)) pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap() pixmap.convertFromImage(image) if return_pixmap: return pixmap return QtGui.QIcon(pixmap) FIRST_ICON = get_first_icon(True).decode('hex') FIRST_ICON = IDAW.load_custom_icon(data=FIRST_ICON, format='png') # Function Identification and Recovery Signature Tool (FIRST) Plug-in Class #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class FIRST_Plugin(idaapi.plugin_t): flags = idaapi.PLUGIN_FIX comment = 'Function Identification and Recovery Signature Tool' # IDA Pro display details help = 'Configure Function Identification and Recovery Signature Tool (FIRST)' wanted_name = 'FIRST' wanted_hotkey = '1' def init(self): FIRST.initialize() return idaapi.PLUGIN_KEEP def run(self, arg): if FIRST.plugin: FIRST.plugin.Show(self.wanted_name) def term(self): FIRST.cleanup_hooks() def PLUGIN_ENTRY(): global required_modules_loaded if required_modules_loaded: return FIRST_Plugin() idaapi.execute_ui_requests((FIRSTUI.Requests.Print('[1st] Unable to load all required modules.\n'),)) return None